The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

Ugh....If only losing weight was as easy as losing ‘stupid’. This SOB is obese in ignorance.

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If they ended up in a brief situation in the 29th century with a federation timeship that sent them back, it would have been more compelling than simply going back 9 months. Show the Timeship Enterprise M, hell, reference the Temporal Cold Wars! It could have been handled better with many more cannon resources to

Waynes World > Blues Brothers 

It’s really the fear of imminent death that seals in that juicy turkey flavor.

I’ve always wondered why the orbital vehicles don’t drop off some sort of cube-sat like relay buoys to increase the bandwidth of transmissions, allowing for more data to be sent through the pipeline. 

It sounds like you need to purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.

Flying Lotus + Watanabe+Blade Runner.....Oh Jaysus I need a change of jeans.

I mean, that’s fine and all. But am I the only one here pissed that this cop who jokes about killing black people is receiving a more swift and judicious action than the cops who actually killed black people?

Even post TOS, Replicators took an enormous amount of power to replicate anything of any relative complexity, which is why most crew quarters replicators were limited to food, as simple protein assembly took nominal power. Now, they did have the Class IV replicators that were for industrial scale objects of limited

Preach! Apparently it’s shocking that an East Coast Indo-African grew up with a deep love for Seattle Grunge. The gawking.....

If you have to ask - then the answer is, “Damn right I do!”

Paging Prince Albert. Paging Prince Albert.

I’m from CT on the east coast here and I’ve confirmed 3 individual model 3 sightings. To hear these problems strikes me as weird, but I wondered why CT residents would get their deliveries first. It makes me second guess myself, but you can’t exactly miss that distinct lack of grill.

Nothing to worry about. It’s just the annual French Baguette Migration. Move along, folks!

Agreed on your Memes point. I often wondered about this episode, specifically if a species that communicates via metaphor would be a sophisticated enough of a language to become an interstellar species like the Tamarians. I mean, I don’t think you could explain mathematical concepts like the Fourier Tranform via

As much as I do too, I’ll stick to shows like The Expanse. The implications of a space war is a reality that I don’t think I’m prepared to deal with.

We live in a time were those who eat meat are separated from the process by which it reaches your table. No one wants to know, but they all want to eat. He is giving information based on another source that is abhorrent, leaving the reader to choose to know the source of this information, no matter how disturbing. In

I’m with you. I just mentioned how they have Lal in the poster but not the Exocomps.

How are you going to put Lal in the poster but not the Exocomps?!?! WHERE ARE THE EXOCOMPS?!?! (raises sarcasm pitchfork)