The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

A bunch of foolish primates are bringing their pointless conflicts into the cosmic garden of the serene. Great. It’s not that Fermi was right, it’s more that our cosmic sentient neighbors saw earth and said “Time to gtfo!”.

Actually there is a scientific basis for crystal healing. Generally the effects are more subtle, but you have to activate the crystals properly. First, take the amethyst and soak it in water for 1 hour. Then, take some olive oil or coconut oil (only the organic kind will work) and cover the amethyst. Then, take the

Yours looks like my Pancakes, who has conquered my heart a long time ago!

Dunununununununununununununun BAT DIIIICCCKK

Honestly, the Dash buttons are BRILLIANT. I had a guy at work that was complaining, acting “Butt-hurt” as we say, over the growing pains of the job. We gave him a dash button of KY Jelly for good measure. He never complained after that. I’m hoping to get a Dash button of Morton’s next time someone is acting salty.

wrong comment!

This guy is asking the important questions. It should have a container that could protect...uh....’dry goods’.

This guy is asking the important questions. It should have a container that could protect...uh....’dry goods’.

As an IT Architect/Systems Admin: it plays nicely with every other Microsoft product we run. Most of all, everyone knows what word is and there’s very little training to do. That’s a biiiiiiiiiig one too for me.

So the guy driving the truck didn’t back him up?!

Take your goddamn star and get out.

As an S7E owner for the better part of a year, I can’t say I’ve ever had this problem. There’s a bit of a learning...erm....holding curve, sure. But generally it wasn’t a problem for me since day one. Also, full disclosure, I do have a slim case on it that can help dramatically with people who find it troublesome to

From an extremely oversimplified engineering perspective, material strength to weight ratios drop off significantly after you scale up whatever it is you’re building - which is to say that the higher the scale, more extreme the movements, the stronger/lighter the material must be to make the same movements at similar

I don’t think that one was on the list.

Calling it now. It’s been said that the Episode of TOS, Balance of Terror was a strong influencing factor to the development of ST:D. With that said, I believe that the Captain will be a hardass and earn the suspicious of his crew. He’ll finally win them over through the trails and tribulations of star trek drama,

I thought the actual price of Oil was determined on the day that the temperature of the earth no longer can sustain human life, and the world has been reduced to a barren wasteland. The last relic of the corporate bourgeois sheds a single tear because he couldn’t completely maximize investor portfolios.

So Jalops:

Pictured: a snapshot of your typical lonely man at the Halloween party staring at the multiple Harley Quinns in the room.

Not in the US (so I’ve heard from the net, anyway).