The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

"...seen four condors experimenting with what appeared to be group sex.."

I don't know if I can get behind it, but I'd certainly like to try for shits and giggles. However, I can't imagine it replacing the glory of my jazz 3's.

To be honest? This guy.

Well, today I learned that I can lust after a classic plane the way I lust for a classic car. Great....time to break out the platinum credit card...

I think if this were to ever be invented in some fashion, a lot of the fundamental problems that hold humanity back from developing FTL drives and other developments will be addressed if not seriously eradicated, and the future will soon follow.

Am I doing it right?


A statute of etiquette needs to be firmly defined and established before this becomes widely adopted. But considering that most have the restraint and manners of overweight person on a hoveround on black friday morning for the 10 for 1$ easy mac deal, it's all castles in the sand.

Reminds me of Gippsland Lake, Aus.

I'm thinking it. You're thinking it. We're all thinking it.

YESSSSSSSSSS! I know the design is polarizing among readers but I'll be damned if I don't love everything about this car.

The day porn is restricted will be the day that the House of Congress will turn into the Battle of Helm's Deep.

A group of friends and I were talking exactly about this and it's impact on the consumer and the world. From a consumer-centric perspective, this was the best representation of why a lot of consumers are up in arms. Yours truly included.

You know, in a perfect world, an asteroid would hit some place without killing anybody, but scaring the pants off of the international community enough to motivate them into seriously investing in space faring technology.

I'd bankroll a farscape bar with peacekeeper bouncers....

I...uh....I need to go to Malaysia. For business. Yes. Business.