The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

It's a shitty photo since it barely captures the textures and shading, but here you are!

I was just thinking that. One part Disney, one part Tesla.

The camera stays stable with his head. I guess the only logical conclusion is that the camera was attached via a boom of some sort and edited out in post. But I'm just a guy on the internet.

...good old fashioned American engineering

"Down with brown..."

"Vaccines? Surely you mean my burly fists, my good sir! Have a bolly day!"

1. Don't care for other people's opinions, but I'll listen.

Eastwood said it best.

America's Response:

"I'd like my Uranium PU-36 back for my Space Modulator, Please"

I hate what Abrams has done to Star Trek, but still. As a long time star trek fan, I'm fucking stoked.

This. Over and over again.


Pardon me, WHAT exactly did I just read here?

I believe we have a challenger.

HOLY BLINDSPOTS, BATMAN! A little long in the face, but otherwise a decent design.

Great. Now the NSA will have my dick pics AND a register of my fingerprints. YAY! #loadedsarcasm