The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

Wow....that was.....depressing.


Good god, I'm sharing this comment with the world. Bravo, sir or madame.


Allow me to paste an offer for some perspective. I'm not comparing Apple to the companies listed (though I'm sure I could e.g. Foxconn). But take away some of the principles before you eek out a half baked thought like that. It makes you, whom I'm sure is an otherwise smart, reasonable person look like

Not a huge fan either. It does have a good joke or two, but I just don't see the fascination with it. Though the other day, my own mother compared me to Sheldon.... oh no......

You, sir, are really pressing my 'irrational- misplaced-unjustified-hate' button today.

LMFAO....I don't know why that made me literally laugh out loud; so thank you, sir.....But my ass is now missing, so I guess the first part of my statement is literal too.

Judging by the way he's clenching his fists and turning his arms inward, he's flexing his pecs. Try it. You'll feel em tense, but sadly (or happily) you will not look like Vin Diesel; unless, of course, you are Mr. Diesel.

Now playing

To the question, I believe the sophistication of my answer is best manifested in video form.

Thanks. It's always helpful to hear someone's hands-on experience.

Wow, sir. Wow indeed. I feel like I've been there too. Granted, my experience with said patrons of a profession consisting of those who are aesthetically gifted was only 6 months, it was a 6 month stint that I wish I could forget. To sum it up, I have this one instance:

I think I'll capitalize off of the question to ask one of my own to fellow Jalops out there. I'm a car noob who just started getting into lust mode for all things mechanically growling. I've been thinking about buying a V-6 mustang convertible (I've always wanted a convertible) in the 2010-2012 range. I've read all of

Damn kinja....

I know some of you beat me to it, but THIS particular florida gif is reserved for things especially like this.

First of all, Let me get my own biases out of the way. I saw the first movie and it was, well, fun. JJ was just having a good time. Despite it being entertaining, it was nothing more then an action movie with similar characters and ships. Of course, I'm reserving final judgement for the movie (though I must say I'm

Well, it's a battle between technicality and practicality. If you need to be specific, be technical. If you need to just get the concept, a practical application or explanation will be more then enough.

Hey, you had me at Johnnie Walker. Blame the gods of the intertubez for that creation I listed. I said to myself, "Hey, some schmuck is bound to like this!"

It's because gizmodo isn't in the most stern of senses a 'Tech Blog' as it is a 'Tech Lifestyle' blog. Internet culture, nerd and geek culture, and the devices that access the digital zeitgeist. I learned that and accepted it a long time ago. It's not necessarily a bad thing once who see it for what it is. Gotta call

Anyone else planning an "End of the World" Party? I know I am! I feel like Giz needs an article on Dec 20th in reference to apocalyptic drinks/drinks for the end of the world. I'm personally simple. A good single malt or bourbon is enough for me since I'm a fancy pants wannabe hipster. But since it's a special