Mayo?!? Ack... ptui!!!
Mayo?!? Ack... ptui!!!
If you’re a restaurant and serve cold, hard butter with your bread basket, then you deserve the full wrath & fury of the health inspector.
To be clear:
Not a hack - just how I like ‘em:
I was having flashbacks to my ‘74 Datsun B210 that I drove when I was 16 & couldn’t mute it quick enough.
1949 - 53 Studebaker 2R5.
Really simple questions from me:
I’ll (semi) respectfully offer an alternative title to this point/counterpoint set of rants:
I’m with you...
She must’ve been taking on-board video. That’s some footage I’d like to see (and hear).
Hurricane Rita evacuation, September 2005.
Are we related?
Two words: Meatloaf sammich.
This is one of 3 cars that inspired my lifelong love affair with cars.
I got tricked into doing this once - when I was 13 in the early 80's.
That depends on where in the world you are:
Hear! Hear!
While I can’t speak for iPhone users, I’m using this Bluetooth scanner with my Android phone:
If you’re working your patty enough to keep it from breaking up & falling through a standard grill grate, you’re gonna have a tough, rubbery patty.
How are the seats in this compared to the fat-boy (non-Recaro) seats in the Focus ST?