
I have a lot (too many) thoughts on this, as an Ivy English professor. As much as the current academic climate is insisting on how the humanities (perhaps particularly literature) is on its way out entirely, we’re insignificant, nobody cares, etc - every single fictional depiction of academia seems to be set in an

I think they provided the explanation.

Why? Did ever offer an explanation?

I didn’t do it, but it was done to me & it was, by far, the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen done in a car.

Its actually designed to save money on claims for insurance companies rather than save money on premiums for the drivers in the long run as advertised.

It’s quickly become one of the most fun parts of the show to guess what Charlie is doing just offscreen during the whole setup sequence. I’m now doing a DiCaprio point every time someone shouts to a person in the shadows.

And here I thought I was the only one!

And can you believe what she did to Weird Al?

I’m actively hating Fabian, too. That lisping, Euro-trash bit was stale 20 years ago when Mike Myers did Goldmember & it hasn’t magically gotten funnier. They teased Shohreh Aghdashloo in the season premiere - only to have her vanish. She’d be a perfect successor to Jessica Walter.

Slim trouses can go get stuffed.

My pet peeve is the driver forfeiting the right of way to, I guess, be nice. Instead of it being, go when it’s your turn, it turns into a mind reading paradox. Even pedestrians do this. If a car has stopped for you to walk, because you have the right of way, just walk. Don’t stand there waving for me to cut you off.

Don’t try to be nice - be predictable. Don’t stop to let people turn when you’re not required to. It just confuses other people around you.

Am watching Under the Banner of Heaven in which someone points out that Mormon polygamy was invented by men so that men could indulge in sex with multiple women and it was all in the name of God. That seems to be the basis for a lot of religious principles - men picking what they want and imposing it on women.

James Cromwell said “That’ll do.” HOW IS THAT NOT THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAY????!!!!

A good case in point would be someone over the age of 60 being able to correct a younger person’s botched spelling of a common idiom.

One of my deepest fears is that I will die suddenly and my wife will sell the knives in my collection for what I told her I paid for them.

Yes! It’s important to have many knives for many occasions!

In my experience, it’s effectively unpossible in Texas to both preemptively and involuntarily get somebody’s license revoked.

Reading comprehension may not be my strong suit...

Thank you.