I agree...
I agree...
Just buck up, bite the freaking bullet & put in public transportation.
So... are upward-facing exhausts the new billionaire doors?
Whatever Mom was driving when you turned 15...
Doesn’t “Bait” figure prominently in the South Louisiana food pyramid?
I won’t touch ‘em for the same reason I don’t eat capers.
Your crappy side game is indeed strong, but you forgot hominy - the king of crappy sides.
It’s not coleslaw without bacon. It’s just soggy leaves.
A Challenger? Seriously? At least BMW had the design chops to have their i8 poop out a Porsche 997.
True - I’m unlikely to go smaller. I’m just generally butt hurt at Ford for killing their interesting cars.
They’re not Fiestas, but my wife & I are buying as many hot hatches as we can possibly drive simultaneously.
Audible. Because it’s device-independent & I’ve been locked in for 15 years.
I think there’s a reptilian part of all our brains that approves of this - just a little bit. It’s that little voice that says “Fuck your social contract. I am more important than you.”
You be you, man. You be you.
Serious CP: Brand new for $15,417 here:
No mention at all about the horrible safety issues with any of these cars?
I see your South Park & raise you one Iron Horse...
1. Do not marry that woman.