
Consider this motto stolen without attribution or royalties. Thank you.

Now playing

I hear that footage from the earlier part of the evening has just been released...

Raph just peed a little.

Take McCaul, please... I live in his district & he is an unqualified, festering boil on the ass of humanity.

Not the most diplomatic approach, but I prefer to let technology work for me...

Damn you.

Yep - with room to spare...

  • Which sandwich can you make better than anyone else?

Oh, no - my apologies if I wasn’t clear - the picture wasn’t my truck, just an example of the species. I never got that truck sorted. It descended into project car hell & was liquidated as-is during the divorce.

In the early 2000's (2001 - 2003?), I drove from Houston to Butte, MT (call it 1,800 miles) to pick up a $1,000, ran-when-parked, eBay-sourced 1949 Studebaker 2R5 (example below).

That’s awfully sweet, but I’ve gotta go old school with the 240...

I’ve searched high and low & the only good pair of blue jeans is a pair that is actively on fire.

I’ve searched high and low & the only good pair of blue jeans is a pair that is actively on fire.

Write heads are a bitch to install, though...

This confirms my theory that Snow Crash is non-fiction. I’ve been fascinated by Mr. Ng’s “motorized wheelchair” for 25 years.

Now playing

Gimme some Iron Horse. Their bluegrassified (?) classic rock covers are perfect for puttering around the shop.

CP: There’s no such thing as a free puppy.

The line I’ve used to best effect is:

What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger.

A couple of years ago, my wife drove her Ford Escapè to Targèt, while I commuted in a Volkswagen Asspat.