
You'd have to ask them, but they still do play new music, as long as it (sorta) sounds like traditional guitar/drum/bass rock and roll. People like novelty, as long as it's not too novel. Same reason the local jazz station plays new music, even though jazz stopped being new and vital decades ago, I would imagine.

Now it gets airplay on "classic rock", but again, that's because it's olllld.

You're right, of course. But it's hard for me to think of anything in heavy rotation on the "Classic" rock station as polarizing. Nirvana got heavy airplay - real punk, like the Sex Pistols or Black Flag, none.

Wasn't the Fintail the very first car to be crash-tested as part of its design?

If I can use just the engine, it's going in a Caterham. If I must use engine and transmission ... I'll have a Corvair that makes some seriously cool noises.

My favorite Mercedes of the ones I've owned. Still wish we'd gotten a 300SEL 6.3 before prices went crazy, though.

OK. I got nothing. You win. ;-)

If Nirvana seems like rebellious music to you, then it's rebellious music to you. I think you're doing the same thing I am - generalizing from your own experience. Rap and Hip Hop were probably far more important, culturally, in the 90s, than grunge.

My dad was a 70-something born-again Christian in the 1990s, so no. Unfortunately he didn't even like the pop music from his own adolescence - I had to discover jazz on my own.

"The generation gap back in rock?" I'm 53. I own "Nevermind." My daughter doesn't.

Apparently I have a lot to learn. I'll ask my daughter.

Maybe it's cause I'm a guy, but .... isn't pretty much all lipstick red? (Yes, I know there is black lipstick, but it's for goths, or something)

My grandfather was a Methodist minister, and only bought suits. As they wore out, they were used for increasingly informal duties, the most beat-up ones being reserved for gardening or auto repair.

"By 1975 all GM cars will be powered by Wankel rotary engines."

First World birth rates are either flat or declining, and have been several decades.


That's the best-case option, unless what follows is worse. (See: Iran). Or Putin uses civil unrest as an excuse to go full Stalin. And honestly, you never want to go full Stalin.

These are the kind of cars that almost killed Detroit, and I'm not sentimental about them at all. CP.

Only one problem: desperate people do desperate things.

I only wish current-day Benzes looked as nice.