
I get that '999' was the number of a famous race car Henry Ford built. But it's also the emergency services number in a bunch of countries.... And before anyone mentions the Porsche 911, that car came out long before 9-1-1.

Just saw one the other day. Owner looked like he fit that demographic.

I'm happy for Susan Boyle, and hope things work out for the best.

Nope. American white trash culture is pretty much a straight import of the British original.

When it comes to female human rights, Iran has it beat.

Question: how vigorous a defense do you have put on to avoid an appeal on the grounds of ineffectiveness of consul? IANAL, obviously.

Very luggage.

Didn't 70s-era Barbie have a Ferrari 308?

For me, the most intriguing question is, has he stopped? Could someone come forward about events that happened say, last night? This afternoon?

As I replied to another poster, another possibility is a directed microwave beam that fries electronics. Countermeasures are of course possible, as the cost of size, weight, etc.

I'm not sure how accurate intertial guidance is - we're talking about inches, if it's going inside a house. And if you can't get the video back in real time, it's usefulness is decreased.

RF jamming?

And not armored, which makes it a far more viable daily driver.

So American consumers can pay lower prices?

You're aware that auto company profit margins, which are around 6%, aren't all that high, right? Drug companies and Banks - that's where the REAL money is.

First step is moving from a rural, peasant economy, to an industrialized urban economy. That process is still playing out in China. We're on a car blog, and thus know that China is a booming auto market - that would've been inconceivable 40 years ago. I would posit Modern Day China = Gilded Age America. China

What if it's totally in America's best long term interests to have China (or Mexico) become a middle-class country? After all, rich countries don't attack each other.

Ford expects to sell Mustangs overseas in decent quantities. Euro-Corvettes won't sell enough to make economies of scale, alas. And yes, it's a chicken and egg sort of thing.

This is some really brilliant trolling. I hope.

Some people just REALLY like salt.