Never mind the ones that would explode in the silos or on the trucks, due to deferred maintenance and/or drunken crews.
Not sure. My understanding from the shopkeeper was that they weren't street legal, but it was a while ago so maybe I'm misremembering a detail
Who told you Robins aren't street-legal? There are no FMVSS or EPA requirements for import of cars more than 25 years old. Moreover, I know of no state where a Robin of that vintage couldn't be registered.
It's more of a problem with it being a low margin industry without much profit potential.
Nothing like Airbus, of course not. No government support there.
In a lot of poorer countries, a government owned airline is the only way to have any air travel.
You are correct about raising funds. But the government is simply kick starting a market that is trying to compete against a fossil fuel economy that has benefitted from government largess for decades via tax credits, loopholes, etc.
So... literally a dose of STFU?
I completely agree with you that "fitness" and "progress" are different; my other comments here have probably been more clear on this. What I meant was, the way that evolution is routinely deployed in cultural arguments is based on this misunderstanding of evolution as progress.
Furthermore equating Evolution with Progress is a highly insidious misunderstanding of evolution. Evolution simply adapts organisms to better make use of their current living conditions (for example, a strain of tetra fish living in a totally dark cave lost the use of sight over time, this adapts them better to live…
See, I kiiiiinda feel like her whole "Bed of Roses" section equates monogamy with idealized romance, and that's just not the case. I mean, she may not have intended for it to come across that way, but it really reads that way to me.
See this is where I sideeye because you just made a comment about how you are now seeing other men But here you've just said your husband is prefers monogamy. So your husband's choice was either lose you or just make himself ok with the fact that you're going to see other people? How is that not coercion?
That's what I thought.
Too much money for an old gray market Merc. I'd have clicked NP if it was $5k.
As a large woman from a family of large women, I love this! (seriously, at 6', I'm the little one)
Wow, interesting and well put. Thanks!
All of this, yes.