I'd say you've been reading Aleister Crowley. (Who dried it and put it in capsules)
I'd say you've been reading Aleister Crowley. (Who dried it and put it in capsules)
Treyvon's parents might still sue; it's not uncommon to wait until almost the end of the Statute of Limitations expire, in order to minimize the chance of a defendant filing a counter-suite.
You're assuming the cops will come promptly, and will protect the store.
I actually meant the Constitution was amended to get rid of the natural born citizen requirement. But yours works too.
The Greys, obviously.
Further plot twist: Leslie Nielsen was Canadian.
Is that the same alternate universe where Leslie Nielsen was President and Ronald Reagan was in the Naked Gun movies?
I think the internet, taken as a whole, fulfills your ideal.
Yes - the logical inference is that the local cops are covering up. Non Serviam's OP said Brown may have fought the cop because he thought he'd be arrested.
The question "is there any logical reason why (someone I oppose) is doing what they're doing" is useful question to ask.
Your last paragraph. Yes.
Because he assumes the cop isn't a racist cartoon character. He wonders if the cop had a logical reason for behaving as he did.
Nope. The CIA dangled bait, and he took it. We want to drive a wedge between Russia and Western Europe (esp. Germany) and we're succeeding.
Many places have rules about discharging weapons close to houses, so it still might be. Also pretty sure hunting ducks with a bow and arrow isn't legal - you have to shoot them when they're flying, with a shotgun.
They're for (drag) track only cars, not the street.
My ex worked in QA for the American Red Cross blood banking system. Yes, there are tests. Unfortunately the tests are only as reliable as the humans who administer them. Which is to say, it's amazing we haven't already had a contaminated blood clusterfuck. (I wish she would talk to a reporter, but she signed an…
Yup. Here's a cite, for historical completeness: http://blog.nj.com/ledgernewark/2… (Scroll about 2/3rds of the way down, search on the "friendly fire" heading
IIRC most of the shooting deaths in the Newark riots were stray shots from National Guard.
Not for much longer, if current birth rates continue.
Ask Koreans who live in Japan about racism. Your larger point is correct - Americans don't have a monopoly on racism. Far from it.