You're required to have insurance in case you hurt someone else or damage their property. How often do cyclists run someone over?
You're required to have insurance in case you hurt someone else or damage their property. How often do cyclists run someone over?
And if you do not like the law, I suggest you run for office, and legally have them changed.
We wear those ridiculous colors so you'll see us. Good to know it's working.
I avoid the dedicated bike path because of the idiot pedestrians. I really, really don't want to run over an old lady or someone's toddler.
"Legal" is not always appropriate. If you're provoking road rage, you're putting yourself in danger.
I wonder if he has a First Amendment claim. His door decals are clearly making a political statement about law enforcement.
But those are "plainclothes" cars.
That's how I do it, too.
You're right: traditional art history categories don't work here. I'd suggest:
It's gorgeous. But best "modern" sedan? No. It's the answer to best looking "contemporary" sedan. Yeah, I studied art history.....
My ex drives a hybrid for that very reason. (In Va. - they've discontinued that perk for new sales, but as long as she has her existing plates, she's gold)
But the catch is, you can't buy Teslas in NJ.
Is your point that rich people can be huge cheapskates? Because in my experience, that really is true. Wouldn't be surprising if wealthy Californians bought fewer EVs if the rebates go away. Does it make logical sense? No. But ... wealthy people can be petty as hell.
"Scarf?" Isadora Duncan would like a word with you.
Logically, this is the best choice so far. The 3-wheeler is legally a motorcycle, and as with all motorcycles, the most important thing is that car drivers see it. This paint scheme will help with that....
Is safety the reason they weren't sold in the US? Peugeot hung in till sometime in the late 80s, right?
Stereophonic LP records - 1958.
My Asian students are quite fond of America's military presence in the South China Sea. Of course none of them are Chinese.
That's my theory, too. ;-)
You never know. I once drove a British Leyland era Range Rover for an entire winter, 100 mile a day commute, with no breakdowns. As soon as the snow melted I decided not to tempt fate anymore and sold it.