
You are a goddess for writing this. Thank you.

I didn't find out he was cheating until his friend called to ask me on a date. He said, "Joe said it was ok." Yeah. Because Joe was engaged to a hippie chick from school and - surprise! - neglected to tell me. Ah, memories.

This post is everything.

WTF? Wow.

This article seems like a desperate excuse to find something to be upset about. Newsflash: Not all women built like that are black. I have that build and I'm white. Should I be offended that the author assumes we don't exist? (I'm rolling my eyes as hard as I can right now.)

I think she looked amazing. It's not like she wore this at the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards. I say good for her. Nipples aren't evil. Even lady nips.

I wish I could recommend this post dozens of times.

I suspect the mole was the weird secret force behind his sexy. No mole = no sexy. Even the music is lacking in flavor. Sad, really.

Wow. Video aside, this song is fucking terrible.

You win the internet. Thank you.

I totes see what you're saying. I also think that in certain groups, that message NEEDS to come from someone as ridiculously hot as Beyonce. I am a big girl and know first hand that when I try to have conversations like that it always ends up with someone else telling me shit "for my own good" about dieting, etc. I

I am currently in a Master's program for AI and when I saw this headline I went, "Nah-ah." As in, the technology totally isn't as advanced as most people outside the field think it is. Plus, my specialty is NLP (natural language processing), which is kind of in its infancy right now as a field, and would be a huge

I thought that at first too, but only because it's difficult to get anything but bodyBodyBODY from these pics. Watch the videos and some are actually pretty deep. I LOVE ***Flawless, Blue, Mine, and Grown Woman. Those videos are amazing and surprisingly deep. And, in full disclosure, this is the first Beyonce album

"Beyonce is burlesque." <- THIS. All day.

I am so surprised by how blown away I am by these videos. This collection is genius. Pretty Hurts was a giant, painful sigh of relief. Thanks for that, Bey.

I think that's part of the point. I am not a Christmas person. I am of the HalloweenForEveryHoliday variety of weirdo. Every Xmas light is blue or purple, in the house or out. It's awesome. ;)

It's not really a surprise to me that you're healthy. You're not anomalous in being healthy at your weight...but only because the diseases that affect overweight and obese women don't generally show up until they've had that weight for years. Diabetes, PCOS, and any number of obesity related diseases are known as

Meh. You can die "naturally" at any age. Death is a natural process, after all.

This music sounds like it came straight off of the Finale program. It's making me cringe. They could have at least had someone play the notation on a piano.

A thousand times YES. 100% agree.