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I think cartoons had this figured out years ago. Think about Gir from Zim and his waffle obsession. Or this:

I recently went from being a vegetarian of 17 years (ovo-lacto) to an omnivore due to a pretty serious health issue (diabeetus). My IRL vegan/vegetarian pals understood and also knew how hard it was for me - I freaking CRIED. On the other hand, I am also online (obviously), where quite a few angry vegan types told me

Is it just that these people don't know how social media works? Have Paula Deen and Anthony Weiner taught them nothing?

Thank. You. Why is it so difficult for guys to remember to wash their hands? I have had this discussion so many times with various partners over the years that you'd think I'm some sort of crazy germaphobe. I'm not. I just think touching your junk and then touching ANYTHING in the house is kind of gross, even if you

When I started reading this, I immediately thought of a sub-group not mentioned in the article: Aspies. My SO and I are both Asperbots. We both love each other but have difficulty bonding. We get each other in a cerebral way, which is more than either of us has experienced with other partners. This could be very

This is adorbz. I'm just sad that the first comment had to be something lame about cats being "susceptible to cold" when wet. So are people. This cat's not going to die from a bath. Geeez!

I couldn't possibly agree more. I thought it was brilliant. Anti-humor has a weird timing and requires a lot of guts to pull off, especially live. I have nothing but admiration for what she did. The slow burn was agonizing...and awesome!


Love it!

I acknowledge the typos. Again, I'm sorry. I'm tired. I have a Master's in Sociology, though. I do know what I'm talking about here.

I stand corrected on the per capita usage. It's late. My apologies.

You can't compare the two. For real. Norway is almost a completely racially homogeneous society. They don't have the same sort of weird racial political crap that we do, nor the same diversity of conflicting subcultures. Also, Norway has a MUCH lower population per capita than the US. The whole country has 4,952,000

I totally agree with what you're saying. It depends on the kinds of clothing and the area. I worked at a Lane Bryant in Ohio for years. Sizes 18/20 and 22/24 ALWAYS sold out fastest. 2X was also a fast mover.

+1 YES! I totally thought of that when I read this comment too!

I have PCOS and the Mirena IUD (which I believe has progestogen). I LOVE my IUD. Best thing ever. It hurts like a BITCH when they but it in, especially if you've never had kids, so big heads up on that. After a month or so, you forget all about it. I have about 3 ultra light, short lived periods a year. That's it! As

I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007 but the diagnosis pissed me off. I felt like it was a lazy default diagnosis they gave me because I'm fat. I had cysts. A lot of them. They gave me hormones and they popped. I was completely miserable for a month or so, then I was back to normal. I just had a pelvic ultrasound on

I applaud this author for accepting her daughter's views.

I agree with you completely. Most of the time, the people on my FB feed aren't just sharing pics with close friends, but instead, incessantly gloat about their reproductive feats to every one of their "friends". (My response: Yes, you've had sex. Here's the proof. Good job. The very thing we were all terrified about
