

Who really killed JFK and why? Was it really because he was about to publicly disclose our government’s involvement with extra-terrestrials?

omg, I remember this!

Denise is a confirmed comeback

I don't see him as trying to be cool, he just comes off as an adorable dork to me. Especially when he said his favorite fan-fiction from "The X-files" was the Mulder/Krycek fan fiction because of how beautifully written a lot of it was. See, he's such a dork that he reads fan fiction and he loved stories of him and

I spent most of my weekend re-watching favorite episodes and reading up on how GA and DD are secretly a real-life item. The only thing I haven't done is delve into some fan fic....yet.

with "the fall," a new book, hannibal and the x-files revival, it's also a gillianaissance! That just sounded better than andersonaissance.

with a new album AND the rebirth of the X Files, we are truly living in the David Duchovnaissance

I will tell myself Hank Moody wrote the lyrics. I will swoon. I will buy it immediately.

I know Duchovny thinks we're all gonna drop our panties and open up our wallets for this album, but I am ... skeptical. BUT I AM STILL TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT X-FILES!!

Aw. "Holy Cow" tells the story of a cow named Elsie Bovary, and her mission to escape the farm.

I was terrified and angry in equal measure. The scarecrow is walking around! If there is one time in your life to splurge on new milking stools, that is it!

Damn, she's on point. And I would watch ALL of those recommendation, especially:

I've been playing the dating game a long time, and if a woman doesn't respond to me immediately I don't freak out. I wait, and then send another message the next day, usually in the vein of "Hello!" or "Good morning/afternoon!" and if they don't respond for a couple days then I move on. No big deal.

Can someone explain to me why the fuck I can't watch any of the 1pm NFC games? I live in LA and they're literally airing infomercials on FOX instead of any of the 1pm games ... which makes zero sense to me.

I heard that if you say Lena Dunham's name 3 times while looking in the mirror your Twitter account gets optioned by HBO.