
That is clearly three children stacked on top of one another under a trench coat.

Now playing

I actually walked out of the Mummy 3 to see if I could get my money back, but we were too far in. So I went and suffered through with my friends.

All Scully wanted was a nice vacation. After abductions and cancer was that too much to ask for? Instead she had to deal with a creepy haunted doll.

now can we get a red shoe diary reboot!

I am so excited for new X-files Fanfic. I only with geocities was still around to see this day. At least we still have this:

Seriously guys, between this and the X-files revival, I feel like I'm slowly turning back into Christal circa 1997. If he also shows up on Twin Peaks, I will die. Mulder and Scully will need to investigate my death by fandom.

I fucking love Dad rock.

Just, no.

ou, but I want to be your best friend based on this comment. I didn't even know I wanted a Gillian Anderson/Julianne Moore team up until this moment, and now it's all I want to see.

Harold scarred me for life. I had nightmares after reading it and usually NOTHING scares me. I love horror movies, but something about this one just unsettles me beyond anything else. That last image of the scarecrow on the roof stretching out the skin to dry *SHUDDER*. I read this one WAY too young. I will

Things I want to know every time a company claims religious exemption. Does their policy cover vasectomies, and if so why aren't they also protesting that coverage?

I'm equally confused. Why air infomercials over football? It makes no sense. Also, I think it's only Time Warner LA doing this.

" Does anyone else have flashbacks to "A Girl Like You" and talking on their clear phone and dancing in front of their mirror deciding which pair of old man brown cords they're going to wear to school? Oh god, why does everything taste like Orange Julius and Camel cigarettes?"

I'm always going to be a big Courtney Love defender. Despite how much of a train wreck she is. Live Through This changed my life. I'm really digging So Blonde.

I just got a new Chevy Cruze and an amazing little puppy last month. This commercial reduced me to tears at my desk. I just want to leave work early and cuddle with my puppy. Thanks Chevy!

Eli Manning's struggle face continues to be my favorite thing about football.

Personally, I want to do dirty, dirty things to Adam Levine. So I approve of his nom as sexist man alive. However, I just want to remind everyone of the hotness that is Eddie Vedder. He will ALWAYS be my choice for hotest musician alive. Yesterday, today, and always.

I'm just glad I'm not the only person who's cried in a theater during this trailer.

Whew, glad I'm not the only one.

Is anyone else slightly disturbed by seeing Cookie Monster's feet?