
I'm more curious on what planet Detroit is more desirable to live than San Antonio.

The same thing that has been preached time and again by every sane basketball talking head: Draft the best player, not the need of the team, and let the pieces fall where they may. As you stated, if you’re on the pickup game court, you’re not thinking, “Now, I need a I need a SF”. Your thought process is

I was going to comment the same thing. Maybe the wrong time to get nitpicky, but Pop has nearly 1100 wins with only SAS.

It may be tough for you to find and a bit out of the price range, but you should try Reb Breast 15 and 21 Yr, Midleton Very Rare, Green Spot, Yellow Spot, Jameson 12 and 18 Yr, and if you’re rich and know a guy, Midleton Barry Crockett Legacy.

You read my mind. This guy is a joke.

“They don’t have anyone passing the fucking torch to these people.”

It's official: I fucking hate basketball now. No deficit is insurmountable. Steph Curry could probably fire the ball into the rafters and it would still find a way to come down into the basket. He’s going to obliterate his 3 point record this season and will probably finish with more than 400. Next year, he may say

And yet some people at this company still stand by publishing the account of a mentally unstable man in outting a competitors executive. Gawker: always occupying the moral high ground.

The average Shakespeare play was 28,000 words. This motherfucker dropped 12,000 talking about rape. Shred his diploma and send him back to school, please.

Oh sweet lord he needs to be Sean's heir apparent for the TACOOOO CABANA! commercials.

If you’ll allow me, I present a dramatic interpretation of the Ilitch family.

I am also now picturing a different scenario where secret footage is released of the Spurs practice facility and Pop pinning Kobe down, repeatedly slapping him across the mouth with a newspaper.

Jabroni commercials

Yes, but to follow your point, that did exactly what it was supposed to do. When you had somebody like a Steve Nash, who was going to automatically hit his free throws, you didn’t foul him. I think that when you have someone like Jordan, and he can’t hit a shot 3 feet away from the basket to save his life, and he is

Eh. I am tired of people saying they should change the rules. I know it has been stated by many many before, but you’re a professional basketball player making millions of dollars: learn how to shoot the fucking basketball.

My windfall happened about three years ago, and I am still a little freaked. I paid off all of my debts within six months and now put a good amount away in savings per paycheck. It crept up to $10,000, then $20,000... I still flip out when my wife makes a purchase of more than $100. I was raised in a household where

Once again with the slut-shaming. This rhetoric has become tired. “She wasn’t raped, but since it was proven they did have sex, that SLUT TOTALLY WANTED IT, BRO!”

I blame the city of Austin for kicking Uber out.