
There is no doubt in my mind he is going to go full Hitler at Stalingrad in his speech. 

I bet he’s a real gym rat. 

I’ve talked to a friend who was a higher up military officer, and he said that regardless of political affiliation, there are mechanisms in place at the military level to prevent things like that happening. Should the president refuse to leave office after a loss, any officer or enlisted person that does not comply

These aren’t even remotely the same thing. This was not some ho-hum car or home financing that is something they do everyday. My dad was in the banking industry for 45 years, the vast majority of it in commercial financing, and if it was an enormous amount of money, you better believe he was inspecting the minutiae of

I live in a fairly large city with an utter garbage bus system and the city officials have always vehemently opposed light rail. As a publicity stunt, one of the council members rode the bus to work to show how great the system worked and livetweeted it. It backfired horribly taking him 3 hours to get to work, and he

I’ve been more curious about her hair style lately. I’m not a female, so I can’t say I’m an expert, but it feels like she’s been rocking this part-down-the-middle style for a solid 20 years. It looks like that grotesquely rude head cheerleader type on knew in high school circa 1999.

A large problem right now is the federal prohibition, but you can’t trust the states to do right by the citizens. In Oregon, tax revenue from cannabis sales is tied to the state education budgets. There was an over-production and surplus of product, which drove down the cost. This has led to budget shortfalls for the

It’s at the worst level, human trafficking, in the history of the world.”

Frankly, I couldn’t care less about all of the circumstances surrounding it. If you get in my personal space and smirk, your face inches from mine, the context doesn’t matter and the intent is clear.

There’s a cult in my hometown disguised as a baptist church that’s gotten quite large. They’ve done so through a bus system that will drive as far as 2 hours away to pick people up for services. They’re typically poor and people of color, and this “church” preaches the opposite of the prosperity gospel. Instead, it’s

A vain former model that married an even more vile sexual abuser 24 years her senior (for money) engages in petty back-biting. Color me shocked.

Many have been questioning whether he is mentally ill for quite sometime (well back into the Obama administration). Whatever he’s dealing with shouldn’t be maligned, as mental illness is a serious problem. However, his bizarre behavior has now entered into pretty serious territory in which he is surrounded by nothing

Julian Castro all the way. Clinton missed a HUGE opportunity to gain minority voters by going with the safe, boring white guy that didn’t inspire anyone. 

I vehemently deny ever bullying her! If you were sitting in front of me, you would see me angry cry my anger tears! How dare she attempt to ruin my credibility and reputation as a person who has never bullied anyone, especially all of my female friends who would tell you right now what a non-bully I am! Let me

I’m definitely in the same boat. I was sick to my stomach on election night, and it has only gotten worse. My parents are very conservative, but also not off the rails. I’ve always considered my dad to be a level-headed guy who mainly believed in states rights and fiscally conservative policy. I’m terrified to bring

Is no one going to talk about the fact that, even with the benefit of perspective, his hand is super tiny even in the foreground of this photo?! 

No, I definitely wouldn’t excuse it. You understand the difference between right and wrong after a certain age. When I was a senior in high school, I remember leaving football practice for my next class and seeing the baseball guys arrive for at the field house for their practice. Where I grew up, the baseball guys

I’m specifically talking about the Trump administrations direct intent to murder asylum seekers and immigrants crossing the border in a Final Solution. 

The next step will be, “Hey these people are sick already, so let’s just load them into the gas chamber.”