
I’m a fairly successful indie developer (StarDrive / StarDrive 2) and I’m terrified all the time of the changing market conditions. I think I can see a few places where Arcen went wrong. Most notably is they forget to build their game for an audience. Just making a game that’s good isn’t good enough. You need to know

Ok you know what, I can count the number of people on one hand that I’ve ever called a cunt in my entire life, it’s not a word I use lightly.

every night until december is going to be nightmare night


Despite his comments about at least two of his daughters (Tiffany here, the comments about Ivanka saying “If she weren’t my daughter...”), I actually don’t think he wants to have sex with his own children. Rather, I think he believes that the highest compliment you can give a woman is to call her fuckable. Which leads

Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots!

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

Thank you for explaining this because I really had not idea what they meant. (no snark either, very grateful to have learned something here).

A lot of medicines are pretty awful. I’ve found the cough syrups and the like make me feel so sluggish and gross that I’d rather just be sniffly. I’m not against modern medicine by any means, but home remedies are where it’s at when it comes to relief from colds or minor flu stuff. Eating lots of hot soup full of

They were told it was going to be a haven for rats and fat cats.

I can Fix It!

Have you got enough juice to take on the rest? I for one, would love to see what you can come up with.

Yes, remember what happened to Capt. Tupolev? There is little room in Tupolev’s heart for anyone but Tupolev.

nerd moment, because the Emperor had trust issues with droids accoring to the EU. it makes no sense in the movie verse, but so sayeth the books

The Y Wing and X Wing have to be my favorites.

I was brought up on 2nd edition - half-elves were the lukewarm race that got no modifiers but were more interesting than humans.... admittedly, there was no sorcerer in 2nd edition, so I thought they meant mage, in which case you would want a +INT modified race.

If, if you’re really strong look into some blue collar back breaking labor. /s

This comment is everything I love about the internet.

“never have to worry about sickness”

I agree. I once had a very long and (eventually nasty) debate with someone who believed that love and hate were opposites, and you couldn’t feel both at the same time. I disagreed - love and hate are powerful emotions that can overpower someone - they can both be a passion, and an obsession, and I think because of