
My sister owns her own salon and always takes great glee in waxing between Mr. Inq’s eyebrows. Your ears, though? Sounds damn painful.

restaurants are terrible at handling true allergies... because they spend so much effort making people with the fake allergies happy.

I don’t. We don’t like to acknowledge that evil isn’t obviously evil 100% of the time because it doesn’t fit with the black and white way our brains are designed to view the world, but that doesn’t make it less true. It is entirely possible—and even likely—that he never did any of that stuff at home, purely exercising

That you’re taking the family to a “sci-fi convention” in Spokane is, in itself, “offensive but hilarious.”

Yeah.. i dont even need to see the trailer/announcement/ gameplay...

I was in the same boat as you. I had a stomach infection that went undiagnosed for 4 years. it stopped my metabolism dead and left me bed ridden for the first 4 months. Not to mention that I've had back problems since I was 18. during this time, my back would go out all the time. one time, it didn't heal for a good 2

I hate that I'm recommending this (I'll get to why in a second) but I would say try and find a good beginners yoga class and start that 3-4 times a week. I started when I was training for my first half. It will help with building strength, flexibility and cardio, all which can help to alleviate back pain.
The reason I

its tough to get started. The boxing bag counts if you're doing it for an extended time and working up a sweat. If it hurts to run, just walk at as fast a pace as you can. If available, get on a treadmill while watching TV or playing Xbox. I did that before kids and lost 50 pounds. It's the little things that get you

HarperCollins is owned by Rupert Murdoch, so I've got no doubt of that.

I understand that. That doesn't make it ethical to do so

I do seem to recall that sloths are actually extremely effective fighters if they ever can be bothered to fight, read once of one killing a jaguar that was attacking it by basically bearhugging/impaling it on its claws, sure the jaguar tore the sloths throat out but it was still dead, they arent aggressive

So let me get this straight. These people don't believe in evolution because it doesn't work like it does on the Pokemon cartoon?

he fullfilled there wish they wanted to live forever he made it happen i thought thats what they deserved

Children who were "beaten" won World War II,

I posted this as a reply to someone in the last article, but the comments were a bit better there. I don't want to paste it as a million different replies here, so I'm going to post it once as its own comment (and probably on every pony article until people get the idea). Here is what the creator of the show, Lauren

Was I the only person that saw Ash immediately? Also, I really should get back to work.

To quote Tony Bourdain: "Guy Fieri is the Poochie of the Food Network"

"And now, over here, see our new KATTHÅR line of furniture."