
It's a desensitization tactic. If a man feels his orgasm is getting close, switching positions gives him a little cooldown time and he can go longer. Doesn't work well if you're too quick, however — then you end up switching every couple pumps and your partner never gets anywhere.

I had an internet friend, who I'll call Mary, that came over to my house every week to join in IRC sessions with a big group of mutual friends. I was about 20 years old and she was just entering college, so maybe 18 or 19. Mary wasn't a looker; she was a hefty girl and she took Zoloft for depression. But we were

The problem with that point of view is that doesn't scale. As long as there are birds, they will keep coming to the airport. Ultimately, you will have to kill all the birds, everywhere, if you want to eliminate the risk.

Go ahead. Try and poke this in the eye.

This ruling is specific to birth control. However, it opens the door for future legal challenges on the same grounds, but that apply to other religious objections such as specific medical treatments, LGBT employee rights, etc.

In my novel-in-progress, I had my protagonist describe a caipirinha as 'tasted like strawberries wrapped in a bolt of lightning, with a hint of brown sugar'. (Obviously she's drinking a strawberry variant.)

Yep, Slenderman is fake and shouldn't be scaring anyone.

Huh. Never heard of this game. Looks pretty cool, but I don't know...

I would like to subscribe to your astrology newsletter, please. Can you please tell me when my she-goat will whelp her hundred flesh-hungry spawn? Susan Miller didn't say.

She's not saying it's going to be a bad month. Read the horoscopes — some people will have bad months, some will have terrific months. The only constant is that everyone will be busy, and whatever happens will be turned up to 11.

If Ferguson refuses, no pay day. CBS goes with someone else. Ferguson keeps his current job.

Hi, guys, thanks for coming by to answer questions.

4. Every time you see a dog on camera, drink.

The dogs in the US are captured and given a chance to be adopted before they are humanely put down. The dogs in Sochi are being shot by riflemen in the street. Big difference.

It's hard to talk about sauces without some overlap, because so many sauces are variations on each other.

I make veloute and brown sauces all the time, but sometimes I'm good with a simple au jus — just deglaze a pan where you've cooked meat, and pour the deglaze back over the meat. Wine is my favorite choice of deglazing liquid but I'll use water if I have to. Simple and tasty.

I once knew a man who had sex with cars. If I recall, he owned a Dodge Charger. Apparently this car was a total freak.

I predict that in the long term Earth will get along quite nicely without us. However we get gone — exodus or armageddon — it's clear that we're unable to live in a steady-state. We are either the progenitors of explorers, or the danceband on the Titanic.

Usability doesn't necessarily mean chronological, but it does mean indexable. If on a forum I cannot find where I was reading a comment or where I have commented, then that forum is not usable to me. I'll get lost, or I'll join a discussion then have no way to continue with it.

I'll stand up and defend the original article a bit. After my divorce I went on some wacky sexual adventures, which included many homosexual encounters. Once I got done sowing my oats I decided that it wasn't for me; I am decidedly hetero. But having had the experience of trying the other side, I feel very secure