
My accusatory tone was directed at the main article, because of her aggressive IF YOU DON'T EAT HORSE WE WILL ALL LAUGH AT YOU attitude. If you're Lindy West then let's roll up our sleeves and really start arguing.

I was replying to ComoEstoy, who said we ridicule southerners for eating roadkill. I stretched a little to get to eating possum. Sorry. :) Either is just a little ridiculous to me because they aren't clean sources of meat. I have no idea what non-Americans think about either practice. (I'm not sure if ComoEstoy

I'm speaking only for myself. However, I think my views explain why the concept of eating horse disgusts many people. I am offering my viewpoint in an attempt to explain my culture, but I won't be upset if I turn out to be mistaken and odd.

I like to think that I'd have the willpower to avoid eating cats, dogs, or people even when starving. Haven't had a chance to test that, hope I never do. At worst it would put me in the same league as survivor cannibals like the folks in Alive.

Yeah, but it's okay if different cultures draw the line in different places. Be tolerant of each other's culture. The only real effect is that you can't all eat at the same table.

I envy your strength of will. :) I grew up eating meat; I don't think I could quit. But I am selective.

China is a big country, and different provinces treat the consumption of dog meat in different ways. Going by your experiences it's unacceptable in Beijing province. Going by news reports it's accepted in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.

Okay. I don't mind whatever anyone wants to eat; all I ask is that in return, nobody tries to tell me what I should eat. Your view on cannibalism doesn't bother me, except that I would be reluctant to eat anything you cooked. :)

Thanks for the correction about the legality of horsemeat.

Beliefs about personal emotions can't be wrong — everyone has their own emotions and you can't invalidate them.

A very simple google search proves you wrong.

Sorry, I'm an atheist. Seems you're capable of putting people into easily-labeled categories so that you can be prejudiced against them too, huh?

There are three complications in this scenario, and we should avoid conflating them.

Not everyone in France eats horses, and some there find the idea revolting. But it's culturally acceptable there so they get accused of it as a society. The Chinese deserve the same treatment.

It's what I believe. As a belief I don't see how it can be wrong. I know it's different in other cultures and for other people, but it seems to hold in my culture and it is an absolute, no-compromise stance for me.

It's very simple — there is 'us' and there is 'them'. We eat 'them'. We do not eat 'us'.

When I summon dead friends and family in a lucid dream, and get to spend time with them, I consider that productive.

I would think if someone was fucking corgis it would be a bigger scandal.

I believe your oral bacteria are also determined by the people with whom you swap spit in your teenage years. So find a girl whose family has perfect teeth and kiss her as often as possible. :)

Still using a Samsung Galaxy S. That's S #1, not the current #3. It's getting a little old and slow but still does everything I need it to do.