Who are they trying to help with this addition?
Who are they trying to help with this addition?
Hah! Thank you. As a scientist myself, you have put the contrasting argument in terms that I can easily understand. Fair enough, outrage away!
George Carlin had something to say about that. :)
I never said let them be. I said that making fun of them is more effective than rage and anger.
Okeydokey. I guess I'm just in the camp that believes satire is more effective than rage at defeating these caveman attitudes.
The news article skips everything we want to know: What gender were the monkeys, and did GHSU have to bring in rape kits? Was this the beginning of a study about whether illegitimate lab tech lovin' can get a monkey pregnant? Was this a white-meat between monkey-bread sandwich situation? Details, journalists, you…
Wow, people everywhere are really crucifying this guy today. I don't understand the outrage. Are we really that surprised that some elected officials have moral and mental attitudes that date back to the Dark Ages? Is it news that many lawmakers are less advanced than Neanderthals?
I'm not offended. :)
I am claiming that skin color has narrative weight only in specific stories. Paranorman appears to be that kind of story. That's all. Most of the time skin color doesn't and shouldn't mean anything in a story. (And all of the time in real life, because we shouldn't expect real life to conform to the best…
I have tinnitus — persistent ringing in both ears. When I'm paying attention to it, it sounds more or less like a pure tone. When I am not paying attention, however, it resolves as music.
There's nothing upsetting about minorities. It's just a matter of narrative theme. If the theme of the picture is all about breaking away from conformist thoughts, then a non-conforming image goes against the grain.
I think the point is that any imperfection in the swimmer's cap or skin could cause a break in the water surface which would disrupt the surface tension effect. If he had body hair, absorbent pores, or a cap that was rougher, this picture would never have been taken.
This is cultural/generational. A lot of older people were taught about water conservation and going easy on the septic tank, and they learned not to flush unless necessary. Ever hear the aphorism, 'If it's brown flush it down, if it's yellow let it mellow'? They then taught these rules to their children.
If your real name is Walter White, cooking meth is the last thing you should be doing. People will hear your name and immediately start looking for evidence of your misdeeds. Similarly, don't be a cannibal if your name is Jeffrey Dahmer, and don't go into politics if your last name is Hitler. It's just common…
I'm with you on the lack of female characters.
Well, if it helps, there is a sequel song where a worker at the Rainbow Factory wakes up and feels sorry for all the evil he's done.
Hmn, I'd put that under the umbrella of 'unexpected', because it's generally a social taboo to speak the truth plainly. But I'll keep it in mind — thanks!
Okay, I understand some of the essential ingredients of comedy — unexpected responses, exaggeration, timing. Can you tell me any other essential triggers of humor that I might not know, my beautiful cupcake?
No, no. Horses go to the glue factory. Ponies go to the Rainbow Factory, which frankly is a lot more evil.