In the article it says that human beings metabolize triclosan in about 60 minutes. So yeah, I'm more worried about sunburn.
Turner said he "didn't want to touch it or bring it home, since I just saw Prometheus, and know better than to get my face close to it."
The picture in the article depicts a cockatrice, not a basilisk. The basilisk was snake-like with eight legs.
1. If you're using an app on your phone, that app is capable of reporting its phone number to its masters. This seems to me like a sneaky back-door means of gleaning the same marketing information. Setting up a dummy phone number may be an option, however.
If you're good enough, you can make them open with a snap of your fingers.
That's why I said it would be my edge case.
Thor. If someone appeared in a flash of light and swung a hammer that returned to him and summoned lightning, I'd be hard pressed to decide between labelling him as magic or very advanced science.
Hey, thanks, that's useful. According to the Dashboard, Google does not know my phone number or my real name, which is how I like it. (But they do have a list of credit card transactions, so they probably have my real name somewhere, even if they're not being honest about it.)
You missed the fact that I do not use Gmail. If someone hacks into my account, all they get is my Reader sites (which are publically accessible anyway) and access to the Documents I've put on Google for sharing. I'm not worried about the hackers. At worst, they'll mess up my blog reading for a few weeks until I…
I've given them my email address. Chances are that sometime in the past I've given them a credit card and my name. (Note that 'Remus Shepherd' is not my real name.)
I'm fine with the way things are. Google knows my email address and that's about it.
By 'data', do you mean my personal info? (Name, credit card number, address, email, phone number.) I store those in my head; it's not that hard.
A ringing phone is annoying. Yes, I can ignore it, and yes I'd be willing to miss some of my friends/family calls that way. But the easiest solution is to not give my number out to people I don't want calling me.
I do not use Gmail. I do use Google Apps, Reader, Documents, and Calendar, not to mention my Google login is my default authentication for websites like this.
I. Do. Not. Believe. Them.
I don't want Google to know my phone number. Period. I'm already receiving unsolicited marketing calls on my cell phone after giving my number to Facebook — that was a mistake. I'm not giving Google another piece of data about me to help their marketing division.
I would like to stay far away and upwind of the waste-management system.
The spot marked 'MSL' is the rover. ('Mars Science Laboratory') I see that dark spot you mention; I think it's just a dark spot.