I should point you to my old webcomic, 'Indefensible Positions', which had as a subtheme the decision about whether or not to be a monster.
I should point you to my old webcomic, 'Indefensible Positions', which had as a subtheme the decision about whether or not to be a monster.
I'm a psychopath. Or maybe a sociopath; I've never understood the differences all that well, and it's not like I've had an actual diagnosis apart from that one mention in my FBI file. Maybe I'm just dissociative with comorbid schizophrenia and paraphilias. Whatever. I'm damaged.
I have had absolutely no contact with Windows 8 yet — I'm not an early adopter. All I know is what I have read from review sites I've stumbled on.
On the one hand, I think it's criminal how DC treats their talent and Beyond Watchmen is a good example of they will screw anyone over for money.
Everyone's talking about the interface and how ugly/pretty it is and all that, but the machinery behind that will be the cause of Window 8's failure (or success).
Merfolk maybe; Titans doubtful and good riddance.
I've been to Pittsburgh, albeit in the late 1970s. Are you sure that it was not in fact the actual capital of Hell? Because I always assumed it was.
Everyone knows the Green Lantern as Hal Jordan or Guy Gardner or Jon Stewart — people who got their power from alien energy rings.
If you want weird but classy, you need to add Elissa, aka Queen Dido, to the list.
That looks almost exactly like the port of Solitude in Skyrim, if it were updated to modern-day concrete. Not sure if it's mad science or high fantasy, but there's definitely some reality bleed happening in that place.
The timescale for atmospheric loss on that scale is millions of years. If we could have a million-year colony on Mars to tide us over for a while, I'm sure we would use that time to invent better ways to terraform the planet — or to find other planets to colonize.
I think our next course of action is clear. We must crash Europa into Mars.
For those of us who remember the 80s, this used to be known as Cliff Clavin Syndrome.
Yes, we have, but not yet at sufficient length. ;)
Well, I eventually did buy the Torchwood DVDs. I'll probably do the same with GoT, if I keep hearing that it remains quality entertainment.
I have never felt like I was missing out on a television show as much as I feel I'm missing Game of Thrones. I don't have HBO and I don't pirate, so I haven't seen a single episode, but everyone's talking about it. I thought missing out on Torchwood was bad but this is worse.
Hey, I think I see my manuscript in the Tor pile. Three years on submission, and it's fifth from the bottom! ;)
You misspelled 'taze'.
One person's "power-hungry rape fest" is another person's "voluntary cavity search", and octopi are really good at them.
The best thing to get urine out of carpet is a product called Nature's Miracle, sold in pet stores. It's best used right after the accident, though; I don't know if you can clean an entire carpet with it to remove every drop of ancient pee.