Name a female superheroine in Marvel that can carry her own book. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Name a female superheroine in Marvel that can carry her own book. Go ahead, I'll wait.
There's one thing that bothers me about this. The guy was wearing shoes in a kayak?
I see the New Aesthetic as an art movement in the spirit of Realism, and I posted an essay about it triggered by the article in Wired.
Besides, it's not like this side project is going to negatively impact the website as you know it.
I'm noticing a trend on the net lately, with news aggregation sites (like BoingBoing, Slashdot, and now io9) creating self-branded TV shows.
I wonder what the night sky would look like from a planet circling Fomalhault. They would see the Milky Way and a Rainbow Bridge. Astronomers on such a planet would have a hell of a time coming up with theories to describe their sky.
Easier way to disprove it — any universe which does not have an infinite number of alternate universes doesn't have functional laws of physics, and thus isn't technically a universe, and therefore can't exist.
News flash: People are stupid, film at...well, the film was in 1966, actually.
During your night out that you don't remember, you obviously had sex with about 6.3 people.
I know, right? It's like Cap is shouting, "AHHH! My shield protects every part of my body except my crotch! How did you know to aim there?"
This article should have both the 'Mad Science' and 'Holy Crap WTF' tags on it.
I think that if we are talking about the kind of prisoners worth putting aboard a space station, we are automatically talking about high-level offenders. Pun intended. :)
In other words, confinement in space will end with a bunch of sick, weak, mentally-addled people who are, at the end, probably counting down the moments until cancer kills them.
The Avengers cartoon is reimagining AIM as a generic mad scientist collective, which works surprisingly well as adversaries to the Avengers and Tony Stark in particular. He's one of the few people on the planet with tech better than theirs, so they're always going to be trying to steal from him.
I meant to get the album, I just haven't gotten around to it. I will soon.
Oh, it's just for the halibut.
The Overclocked Remix is cute. But if you want a real rock score for a Mega Man movie, you need to look at The Protomen. They wrote a rock opera about Mega Man that updated the story, gave the characters some awesome goals and personality traits, and blew anyone who heard it away.
I've dreamed about *being* a xenomorph. I think I may have issues involving Marines.