Remedios Varo

Pro tip: set aside your dignity and listen to the Pitbull station on Pandora. You'll thank me later.

I hate Igloo (duh) but I can't be bothered to pay attention to Azealia either because of the homophobic shit she's said.

But wouldn't a taco shell made out of Fritos be kind of redundant? Crunchy taco shells are made from corn, and Fritos are corn chips, so yeah, what's the point? Normally I'm all about Taco Bell and its bizarre menu items, but this seems kind of dumb.

She's no Montgomery Clift.

FWIW, I don't think she had a lot to work with in Twilight. Bella (?) isn't exactly a complex character. :/

Fuck if I know. I don't care for red meat, so I haven't eaten a McDonald's burger in years.

I've read their reasoning for not doing breakfast all day is because they don't have the "grill space" for breakfast AND burgers but they're already not selling as many burgers anymore, so I think it's time to give up the ghost here.

If McD's really wanted to make money, they'd extend the availability of their breakfast menu until at least 12 p.m., if not all day a la Jack in the Box. Damn it feels good to get a breakfast burrito at 4 p.m. on a Saturday. (Don't judge, you've all been there. )

That's a 'shop, right? RIGHT?

You have no idea how glad I am that someone else besides me immediately had dirty thoughts about Sir Ian and Harry.

This is why I'm Team Lil Bub all the way. Her owner is SO conscientious, unlike poor Grumpy Cat's owner.

Yes, this. I always feel bad for going to the bathroom so often, but then I remember one of my coworkers is a smoker and each of his smoke breaks must take at least 10 minutes each. O_O

"The Mold Growing in Your Bathroom That No One Will Clean"

Yes, but the ceremony is being televised nationally.

Oh great, now I'm picturing Taylor Swift trying to rap the Birthday Song.

There is precedent for naming someone Chutney. See: Legally Blonde. :)

Tilda Swinton IS drugs.