Remedios Varo

I'm pretty sure the only time a teen doesn't have resting bitch face is when he or she is asleep.


I maintain that Kim's shitty fashion choices are the result of long-term trolling by Kanye and his couture buddies.

On a related note, this morning in my daily Groupon email I noticed there was a deal on um, Nickelback concert tickets. They're so shitty they have to sell tickets through Groupon.

I can't say I'm too upset about Klan members being doxxed.

Um, why be in 50 Shades when you can work on a period piece with T.Hiddles and Guillermo del Toro?

I used to hate him until one of my coworkers pointed out how much he makes fun of the family, and I was like, yeah, I can roll with that.

I've been waiting all day for someone to answer this lol.

I desperately need to know if queer people are allowed to use the site considering Steve Harvey's less than stellar track record with GLBT folks.

Holy crap, I thought that was Chris Hemsworth in that pic. Way to be, little bro. 😙

Hello, football guy in no. 31, you are one attractive man.

Now playing

You see The Stepford Wives, I see the legendary Apple "1984" commercial.

I think paranormal experiences are as likely to happen in a populated area as in a rural area, but the isolation of the sticks just kind of amplifies the scary. :(


FWIW, I refuse to read the Goat Man story all the way through.

Help, I don't understand what happened at the end of You Finally Found Out. Who killed the lady? Why did the mom save everyone's life?

If they aren't Sorcia McNasty Southern Ghost Truck levels of terrifying, I'm going to be VERY disappointed.

You did not.

Surely you meant mushroom bisque instead of cream of mushroom, right? I'm pretty sure cream of mushroom soup only exists because it is one of those food items a company accidentally came up and then had to invent a purpose for it.