The Falcon, though.
The Falcon, though.
Bahaha. People are lame.
Assuming this was during college, I'm kind of worried about 20-year-olds that don't know the difference between Amsterdam and Copenhagen.
Something tells me there might be more than a few bears on Ello.
It's playable, but a little beat up, like most thrift store vinyl. The cover, which is kind of funky, is still intact, though, which I'm satisfied with.…
My modest vinyl collection consists almost entirely of records I bought from thrift stores or garage sales. My prized possession is a copy of Led Zeppelin III I got for maybe $1.
Only settled down straight couples, though. No gay dude couples EVER. :(
Being a Cardinals fan is for life, FOR LIFE. — Signed, a former St.Louisan.
There's evidence that it does:…
Is it just me or do they look like they're 14 and at camp instead of being old enough to start college?
I'm happy for Kylie because, pardon the pun, I think she's the dark horse of the family.
Chicken fried steak is made from cube steak, which is NOT a New York strip.…
Gotta do something with the shitty cuts of meat ...
Clearly you should write a guide to steaks, including chicken fried steak, because there are people out there who don't have a fucking clue.
(How has no one posted this gif yet?!)
What's that saying ... even a broken clock is right twice a day?
I WAAAAANNNNNTTTTTT THAT ... because I am a heathen.
Tracie will always be Slut Machine to me.
Your husband is a hero.
Oh come on, don't act like bread soaked in bacon grease wouldn't be amazing (in moderation).