Remedios Varo

The more the merrier!

I read that as Nick DENTON doing whiteface, and I got extremely confused.

I think Agenda 21 was made up for the purposes of this study. I follow some pretty hardcore anti-Monsanto groups on Facebook and that's never come up.

My girlfriend moved out and left for a new job in California this week. I'm still back at the homestead in northeastern Missouri. It was my choice to stay here for a few more months because of my job, but damn it's already been hard without her. Sigh.

That Buzzfeed list includes a screenshot of Oliver and Company that has Princess Aurora/Sleeping Beauty in it. I'd really like to have those two movies tied together.

Like it, love it, want it.

OMG, Ubertrout, otters are in the weasel family, not the rodent family. I thought everyone knew that. /s

That's what the CAT scan was for, wasn't it? I'm on to you.

I feel like we're all doing this collectively right now.

I pretty much came here to say that we all know T.Swizzle's true love is Karlie Kloss.

I hate to be that person, but Selena Gomez is 21. She's not a teen.

I know, right? I'm from St.Louis, and apparently we had a whole bunch, but the last few were stolen(!) a few years ago.

Oh, Cassiebear!

If you become an Official Writer, does that mean I can no longer creepily hit on you?

T.Swizzle and Karlie's turtleneck photo looks like a twee lesbian engagement photo, and I mean that in the best way possible.

If Jennifer Lawrence is any indication, Jezebel is going to tell us not to care about Lupita a year from now.

Today in jokes that no one will get: the line about Lindsay and drinking reminds me of the movie Barney made in the film festival episode of The Simpsons.

This makes me glad I'm not the only one who's combined sex and food items. I only did it once, but still.

Haha, proceed at your own risk.