I've been reading the stories off and on the past few days. As it gets closer to Halloween, I'm starting to wig out more. My girlfriend went out tonight, so I'm home alone and I'm way too anxious to sleep right now.
I've been reading the stories off and on the past few days. As it gets closer to Halloween, I'm starting to wig out more. My girlfriend went out tonight, so I'm home alone and I'm way too anxious to sleep right now.
Last year around this time, a friend told me about the experiences of a mutual friend's sister.
According to DListed, the other members of N'Sync weren't invited to the Timberbiel wedding. What's up with that?
I guess I'm not the only one who thought Ann Romney's dress last night was some grandma dress type of shit?
Maybe it's the outfit he's wearing, but I think in the video Mr. Colbert looks like a shrunken version of Bob Saget and that makes me feel weird.
I live with my girlfriend, a puppy and a kitten in what is probably considered a small apartment. Tonight my gf was at a friend's house and the puppy was at my gf's mom's house because we're going out of town tomorrow. It was so, so quiet in the apartment. It was both amazing and kind of unnerving.
I have two questions - I tried to see if they had been asked down below, but I didn't see anything.
Dude is a conservative pastor in politician's clothing. From his Wikipedia page:
My girlfriend is trans/MTF and she was pretty pumped when she heard about this.
You can't be both pro-choice and criticize women for having an abortion.
Hey, I went to Nerinx too! Class of 2006.
I'm from St.Louis. I've never heard of this tradition, but I went to Catholic school, so we have/had our own community. Anyway, the only context I can add to this is that this a wealthy school in a VERY wealthy neighborhood.
CORRECTION: Transgender is the proper term, not transgenderED. Thanks.
I know this is from last year, but I just found out about it. Apparently Queen Latifah took part in a Disney-themed photoshoot for O Magazine and she got to be Ursula from The Little Mermaid. I love it.
Oh great, I'm at work. I would go so straight for ASkars.
I don't care what this says about me, but I feel the same way as you, Lindy, and for the past few years I've had this fantasy of kidnapping LiLo and bringing her to the rural town where I live and the farm where I work so she can get her head back on straight without the distraction of Hollywood.
I don't know, Wanda Sykes has made a pretty good case for genitals that can go places.
Personally, I've been so angry about all of this I don't know what to do with all of this rage. I mean I'm not going to throw Molotov cocktails at the local GOP office or anything, but I also don't feel like I can just be passive about this any longer. I just want to scream my lungs out over all the stupidity in the…
They forgot one — The Lion King has always been around.
In case anyone is interested, here's his contact info: