Remedios Varo

I made a version of ful medames, an Egyptian bean dish, for dinner tonight. It was delicious and insanely easy. I basically threw melokiya (a type of green), kidney beans, chickpeas, parsley and minced garlic in a big pot with some spices and let it simmer for about 20-30 minutes. It was so good.

The eggs you buy from the store, farmers market, etc. aren't fertilized unless indicated. Therefore, that egg is never going to develop into a chick. There's no embryo involved.

"He's started to shut himself off from the outside world, preferring to watch Antiques Roadshow and listen to music."



Double post.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone refers to tortillas as wraps. They're fucking tortillas and burritos came before wrap sandwiches, so knock it off.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone refers to tortillas as wraps. They're fucking tortillas and burritos came before wrap sandwiches, so knock it off.

I live in a rural area. This all seems par for the course although I don't know any families who are this ... uh flamboyant.

She'd be willing to take a bullet for someone? Like the bullet that killed Dr. George Tiller? How nice of her.

I try to avoid soda what with the HFCS and all that, but when I cave in, I usually go for a Diet Coke. Except for the last few months, when I've had DC it upsets my stomach terribly. I wonder what's up with that.

I'm at work and I'm watching the Olympics. I thought track cycling was kind of boring until I noticed track cyclists kind of look like Tron characters, which is amusing to say the least.

Idle thought: wouldn't it be great if Jennifer Aniston already had a kid and she was just really good at hiding him or her from the paparazzi? Anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

I prefer vadge because it sounds like badge, which is something to be proud of, and it reminds me of the Red Badge of Courage, which itself could be a euphemism for menstruation.


Holy crap, this is awesome.

I just want to know if there will be fountains that are only turned on when the couple walks by and then immediately turned off.

You post that picture and suggest Brad Pitt is NOT still smoking pot like all the time?

Or even working while female.

I'm so glad you posted this. I caught some of this on TV at work, and I thought I was hallucinating. So fucking weird.