
The framerates issue is entirely on consumers, to be fair. As long as we keep buying graphically demanding games with a 30 fps cap, they’ll keep making them. It’s not that I think PC is a better platform for gaming, my eyes just can’t take the low framerates, fov, and motion blur anymore.

This brings up a question I’ve had for a while now. Has EA’s gamble on Origin exclusives paid off for them? I assume so since they’re still at it, but it would be hard to measure either way. Maybe sales of the last Steam Battlefield minus valve’s cut vs the next exclusive entry, but that doesn’t really say much. Makes

You can regulate or close Early Access, businesses will just find another legal way to grab whatever they can from open wallets. The only real way to end preorder bonuses, season passes, early access systems, bad drm, etc. is to stop paying money for them. It took me 5 seconds to find Steam’s FAQ on Early Access which

Wildcard can do whatever they please until the game’s release. Players aren’t victims here, they bought an early access game. It’s gambling, sometimes you get burned. Not that they don’t have the right to criticize the product, that’s the whole point of early access. But you have to be able to roll with the punches

Only in Tales games when they force you to throughout the 20 hours of tutorials.

As somebody who games on PC in the living room 100% of the time, I get progressively more sad as more bells and whistles are added to TVs, but still no freesync. I couldn’t afford Gsync, but I’d be more than willing to shell out more for a 55"+ set with decent latency/refresh rate and freesync.

As somebody who games on PC in the living room 100% of the time, I get progressively more sad as more bells and

I thought the same until reading the “stereo headset jack” bit. With wireless you free up your bluetooth controller (which were dedicated to ds4 tool/inputmapper) to either use a bluetooth headset or the headset jack. Might be worth the awful price for people like me who were previously running wires to their headset

I appreciate this post, since it’s nearly impossible to watch without a cable subscription, some other service for a month, or vpn shenanigans, and NBC’s video highlights are awful. I know it costs a tremendous amount of money to cover an event like this, but somehow it still feels wrong gating things like the

In a perfect world, all review copies would be retail copies that were purchased after launch. No embargoes, no rushing through content to make launch review deadlines, no ethical dilemmas, true online play testing. If only people would have some patience and stop preordering.

I like it, the gacha collection mechanic is fun to me and you rank up naturally so fast the NRG meter isn’t a hinderance at all after a while. You get through the 3 islands really fast, but there is still plenty of stuff to do regarding party customization and item collection. Haven’t spent a penny and don’t plan to.

Independent? Twitch/Youtube? Join the Laura Buzz rebellion?

Yeah I think the new PC focus may be the Xbox brand succeeding (even though right now UWP isn’t doing the brand any favors). They’re trying to get ahead of the shift away from console gaming, and why not since the PS4 is the runaway console success anyway. Next generation will be a fight with Valve and not hardware,

Yeah I think the new PC focus may be the Xbox brand succeeding (even though right now UWP isn’t doing the brand any

Install Enhanced Steam, let it show you how all the sales are worse than historic lows, then clear your cart and regret buying that store credit.

Can you export kindle comics as cbz or cbr after purchasing? I don’t want some new apps for reading different DRM formats when everything else I have is organized and accessible in Comicat.

Can you export kindle comics as cbz or cbr after purchasing? I don’t want some new apps for reading different DRM

I am a bit afraid that I won’t be able to connect with the game nearly as well as with the original now that we’re playing as children instead of the immediately relatable Nier. Having Platinum on board at least shows that they understand the one arguably lacking aspect of the first game though, that’s encouraging.

Crossplay is always welcome, but I’m far less excited about PC since they actually mean UWP. I’m glad the game is less exclusive than was previously thought, but that’s about all the enthusiasm I can muster.

Thanks for this post, I’ve been shocked that more people haven’t been talking about the microtransactions in Overwatch. Loot Box gambling is not OK in a game you already paid for. There are far better ways to fund a game’s support. I don’t think anyone can claim that it doesn’t matter because they don’t affect

Meh, there’s no point. It’s a hobby of its own now. People just love latching onto causes and getting upset. Doesn’t matter what/why/who, if it’s real or makes sense. Shreier got death threats for reporting on a video game delay. This is the world we live in now. Gawker’s certainly no saint in perpetuating it, but it

I agree, that fps performance doesn’t look nearly comfortable enough at 4k. I’d go in for one if I had a 1440p setup, but those numbers are way too low to justify an upgrade to 4k monitors. You’re on the money that there’s no reason to upgrade if you’re on a 1080p setup unless you want to early adopt VR for some weird

It’s a port of a remaster of a PS2 game, it released in a solid state as far as I’m concerned. If FFXV releases on PC with capped framerates and sound/animation tied to frames however, pitchforks will be at the ready. Also, please stop using blanket terms like “lazy dev,” it just immediately invalidates your opinion.