
Those types of mods seem in high risk of being a waste of time this early in the game’s life. Considering how quickly and often he’s adding additional content to the game, any patch could quite easily replace or at least disrupt these types of mods.

A BoI series would make a great addition to your youtube content. Although combined with dark souls and enter the gungeon that may be a little too northernlion-y.

Hey, this looks pret <Error: An invalid exception was thrown.>

I have to disagree about Greenlight. It’s an issue for developers. Real developers have their game releases drowned out by waves of garbage made by kids with $100 hoping to earn card money from somebody else’s assets. When devs spend four years of their lives slaving over their project, sharing a new releases page

Let’s just pretend UWP apps don’t exist until the platform either goes away or opens up substantially to a system that allows at least a basic PC experience.

So human beings die now when you shoot them in the face? Sounds like they fixed the game.

I wish wired speaker manufacturers would get in the habit of including maximum distance between left and right. Doesn’t make a difference if you’re setting it up on a small desk, but if you want something room width the cord length is always a complete gamble.

I wish wired speaker manufacturers would get in the habit of including maximum distance between left and right.

Glad you commented, that kind of verifies Tarq’s last point. I guess the chat wall is a sort of abstract conversation that makes you feel part of the community. Don’t think it’s for me, but starting to get why it works now.

It’s definitely due to the volume of viewers, I just don’t understand why those why viewers would participate. What’s the point? I guess if you’re a fan and just want to feel engaged, like you’re part of it... just seems so easy to take a step back and realize that you’re whistling into a tornado.

That’s a good point. I don’t watch sports either so I couldn’t make that comparison, but I imagine there are similarities due to the vast number of people gathered in one small area.

I’ve never felt more like an outsider than after entering a moderately popular twitch channel. A wave of emoticons and memes that’s too fast for any actual conversation to happen, just thousands of people simultaneously shouting nonsense at a brick wall for nobody to hear. eSports games themselves on twitch aren’t the

This news doesn’t include the words “time trials removed,” so thumbs up or whatever. I couldn’t care less what they do with the rest of the game. The story mode could be a first person open world survival shooter for all I care, as long as there is still a menu option that lets us run through buildings and colored

I’m just happy that From has become so successful despite so many attempts by Namco Bandai to kill the series with business.

Sounds like reviewers have lots of extra time to dive into the full game before release, which is nothing but a benefit for consumers. If the argument is “waah, I want a thing I don’t need right now,” or “waah, I haven’t the self control to avoid streams,” those are probably voices worth tuning out.

I thought it existed as an annual way for editors to passive aggressively punish their managed journalists.

That’s pretty amazing. I was around his age when I got Super Mario Bros. on the NES and I don’t remember even beating world 1. Much less designing a clever, functionally evil map. Bright kid.

The cynic in me knows this was built entirely by the father, but I want to believe. Kudos to you for not cursing at an 8 year old on livestream though.

I’m with you on Demon’s Souls, I’d love to see what it would look like on the PC especially. I guess all we can do is keep the candles lit.

Or one of those magic mirrors everyone is so crazy about.

Or one of those magic mirrors everyone is so crazy about.

“You want to preorder a thing you haven’t even seen?...”