
I feel like it’s a crime not to mention that Siralim 3 is also on steam, along with the rest of the series. It’s by far the best monster collector available in my opinion, particularly if you prefer the more streamlined dragon warrior monsters style.

Welp, a whole console unveiling and the only time I recall hearing 60fps was during the Forza reveal. Same deal with PS4 Pro then I guess, still getting 30fps titles at 1080p yet we’re pushing 4k. Until there’s some industry minimum standards for performance I’ll have to pass on these new console iterations too.

Steam is the only marketplace I’ve ever seen that has absolutely no curation. I can name a handful of games on the storefront right now that don’t even have an executable included and they’re still for sale. The only time they step in and appear to be pro-consumer is when not doing so threatens them monetarily

My first thought regarding this is condolence for future jason shackles.

My favorite part of this article is that in my feed it appears directly above another article titled, “Tesla Model S P100D runs a 2.389-second 0-60mph time with Ludicrous+ update”

I get the comparison to computer monitors given the design, but I doubt any who are interested in using a TV as a monitor consider aesthetics the top priority. They probably want it to natively accept all the frames their expensive GPU is pumping out. I’m sad that resolution, design and display quality continue to

PSA stands for public service announcement. This being the case, let me revise the headline for you:

PSA stands for public service announcement. This being the case, let me revise the headline for you:

You’re not missing anything, I had a good look at the sales yesterday. Unless you’re new to PC gaming, the pricing is so far away from impulse buy territory that Valve might as well just throw up a banner telling us to wait for bundles.

Bittersweet. I have long been waiting for Atelier on steam, but Koei Tecmo is the last publisher I’d want touching them.

Nothing can fix large streams without fixing peoples’ brains. Might be a nice built-in alternative to Nightbot though for smaller readable channels.

*fingers crossed* Please tell me final fantasy brave exvius is published in China so the global version gets pull rate transparency...

That’s what happens when you have someone from Nintendo on your board of directors. It’s probably also for the better regarding the fan mod award. Nobody wanted to see “Schick Hydro presents Best Fan Creation: Enderal... smooth as a gentle Schick shave.”

What would cheer me up is a PC announcement. Kind of surprising the series hasn’t made it there considering Sega’s typically solid support. Happy to get them at all though, I’m not sure how well the PS3 releases sold despite being well-received.

Off topic, but has that hash always worked for steam store urls? Pretty handy considering store pages are becoming increasingly bloated. Curious to know if there are hashes for other sections as well.

I love how retailer specific pre-order bonuses just turn people off from pre-ordering entirely because they can’t get a complete version. It basically killed Watch Dogs, yet they did it again with Watch Dogs 2. Business.

I don’t get offended by dumb jokes so I don’t understand the twitter talk, but I agree with the aesthetics problem. Most offices aren’t glow in the dark transformer themed, so they could stand to cool it a bit on the branding and high schooler with a modded Civic design if they want a larger customer base.

I question the appeal to users who have never had cable. These are still traditional channels with commercials. So what’s the benefit over cable then aside from broader device use, because it seems like cable has the edge over this in that it doesn’t use data or bandwidth. It’s the same confusion I have with Sling

No, you understood. I didn’t realize the steam controller has a desktop mode, that’s exactly what I was hoping for. You’re right, if that’s the same way the DS4 will work, it’ll be perfect.

The problem is that the mouse control via touchpad will only work when Steam is the active application, right? So when one of those horrible pre-launch configuration windows pops up for your controller-supported game, you’re out of luck. Whereas inputmapper starts on boot up and isn’t tied to single application use.

I’ve had the opposite experience with it so far, but I still love it. Aside from not reading the slimepedia initially and understanding how Tarrs are formed (led to several frustrated farm re-dos), everything in this game stresses me out because all the mechanics are time-based. Keeping stocked feeders, empty plort