
“almost as if there are entire massive groups of players that like the system and game and dont read enthusiast blogs”

This comment kindof reeks of “whatbaoutism.”

PA is exactly how I feel about Apple and Epic, thank you billionaires for taking the time out of your day to validate my presence amongst your argument over which one of you will be better poised to exploit me in the future. Get fucked, the both of you


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Citi DoubleCash. No fee, and assuming you pay it off regularly you make 2% back - about twice as much cash back as

its easy. Under water ray ramano

Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.

Willy Wonka, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, The Producers, and Silver Streak.

While I admire the phone, I personally don’t call a $400 phone “cheap.”

So you want to try a standing desk, but you’re not ready to commit to it for 8 hours a day...what do you do?

So you want to try a standing desk, but you’re not ready to commit to it for 8 hours a day...what do you do?

Yeah, well, I think it’s sort of the same, just in another medium. People are excited, people want to show they’re excited, people want to be a part of something.

As a developer, this ruins a symbiotic relationship between game studios and streamers/Let’s Players. Its free advertising!

Back in the day we pretended to slaughters godless savages in the name of manifest destiny, like God intended.

I think you’re confusing this with erotic pachinko

Seems the response to Arkham Knight has made some publishers skittish!

Also, if you’re looking into dark, mysterious stuff, possibly even dark humor, look into Mike Mignola’s work. He mostly does Hellboy, but he’s made a few other comics. In fact, he’s currently making a new one, titled Joe Golem: Occult Detective.

Sounds like you enjoy longer, story-driven books, then. Online I’d recommend Gunnerkrigg Court and Stand Still Stay Silent. Both are speculative fiction with long, story-driven arcs with some awesome worldbuilding and characters.