
I would easily give $100 as well. Although from the comments here I'd be a bit worried about the direction the sequel would take if they pay attention to criticism. Better shooting mechanics and multiplayer are the opposite of what this game needs, in my opinion.

How to bring it back the right way: Lose the ability to use a weapon, add more time trials, frostbite engine.

You should check out the multitude of Indie Bundles, if you haven't already. Most games in them thus far have been the perfect blend of satisfying depth and pick up and play-ability. 80% of my PC playtime has been dominated by the types of games you describe, and most of those came from indie bundles. The Humble

While this looks new and entertaining, it really just makes me want another Endless Ocean.

Almost all of those listed have some sort of optional collection-based trophy. That's where I draw the line too. Especially with assassin's creed. No thank you to that time waster, I have too many games to play. What kind of achievement is it anyway, when it only requires massive time, and little to no skill or

Considering the time investment required for the Borderlands platinum relative to something like god of war or uncharted, I'm a bit surprised that made the list.

While I do love the atmospheric sounds, I have to admit that the video was much better while listening to Stay Crunchy.

I got Deus Ex during that promotion as well. Still, one good promotion doesn't make up for the overpriced games and lackluster sales the rest of the year, when steam has good ones daily, not to mention the seasonal massive sales. Indie bundles also keep me from going to OnLive. I believe the first Humble Bundle was

As soon as they get their pricing on par with Steam, I'll start gaming exclusively with OnLive. Great service, but not even close to competitive pricing.

Trails in the sky is driving me crazy. I love almost all of the mechanics, and the characters are great. But I'm about 15 hours in, and not a single significant event has happened yet. There are mysteriously backed pirates, a missing ship and father, yet I've spent most of my time doing guild errands and jumping

Now playing

Since this seems to be a youtube post-fest, I'll join in. Every time I hear that song (which is bassoon awesome) in my head I start hearing this song overlapping it...

So many angry generalizations in the comments. I've lived almost my entire life as a Christian in the bible belt, and the only time I hear stupid complaints like this is from Fox News. Not sure why this region gets singled out, as extremists (and crazies) can be anywhere. I've personally never met anyone with

I just went through my feed and had to do a double take.

While that may be true, it also reduces multimedia dependence on flash, which is a big step forward in my opinion.

I preordered for the LE, which I would have imported anyway. But people who imported the game only probably would rather have supported NOA for their localization efforts. Seems like a weird announcement decision. Either the release date got seriously overlooked, or there were some business shenanigans at play.

This is the worst timing imaginable. I woke up to an email saying, "Congratulations, your Last Story has shipped!". Then came on here to see this "good news." Why announce the localization of a game hours after it ships in another region? Did they just want to make sure nobody had a chance to cancel their import

Anybody else immediately start thinking about Mackie Messer when seeing this title?

He just posted an article about Sony's Kinect peripheral. It's still on the mind, give him a break.

Programming seems like a good idea for people who only have interest in certain topics, but don't necessarily want to use Kotaku Core.

I should have read yours before I posted, but I was lazy. I thought I remembered all accounts being merged with Origin. I know I have one and I have never touched the service, only gotten the mandatory EA account for Dead Space/Dragon Age etc. I think average daily users would be much more informative.