
Doesn't this number include every required EA account that was automatically upgraded to Origin? If so, most of the users have probably not even used the service as a store or client. Other than that, making your AAA games exclusive to your service doesn't hurt.

I didn't even know this was an issue. I encountered no noticeable bugs, barely any slowdown, and no freezes. That puts it above 95% of games released today in terms of technical polish. Was I lucky or something?

I can't stop watching this.

I was so very close to deleting it before I encountered Kenji. It seemed like a boring walk through daily life for someone who, regardless of learning multiple lessons, can't come to terms with his 'situation.' More curious to see what that insane kid does than anything else...

Final Fantasy: Though you no longer use them, you still buy pencils because they were the best thing available when you were growing up.

"You eat dark chocolate."

Eh, my family has gotten more than our money's worth out of Pictionary alone, so I wouldn't feel too bad. It really is a nice product, just without support, capable marketing, or timing.

That looks like a real card, but doesn't look like a real card... did you just make that as an ice and fire reference?

I rushed to type a joke after reading the first sentence. Then I read the second, and realized you already went there. I don't take issue with most EA and Ubisoft releases (for that reason at least...), but the other two...

If you haven't finished the game yet, I don't recommend pvp for the reason you stated. Levels mean absolutely nothing, other than allowing you to equip certain gear. Equipment is everything in that game, so I recommend getting the Darkwraith covenant to +1 for pvp, but not using your orb until you are fully geared.

Either way I agree, they did a great job recreating Gabe in 8 bit.

I'm playing through Rogue Galaxy as we speak. What amazes me is that it looks, sounds, and plays better than most current gen JRPGs. Open environments, but still linear as to keep you immersed in the story, lots of highly variable environments, a memorable cast, solid voice acting, real time action combat, party

It's weird the affect the new dashboard has on me. I tolerated the previous one, but I don't even use it anymore besides pressing A to launch the disc. I've stopped using any other feature just because I hate the dash so much. That's really silly, I know, but true. I can tolerate a certain level of advertising,

The feature that I actually want most in the next generation of consoles is the ability to remove those extra features completely. Leave me a friends list, movies, music, and the game launch button. It's nitpicking about a menu, sure, but on the other hand a lot of time is wasted on those applications that could be

I'd have to agree. Compounded by the fact that SS was incredibly easy to the point of being tedious. A game like Ocarina or Link to the Past offered so much engaging, challenging gameplay that I would have glossed over any haphazard storytelling and fetch nonsense just to enjoy the journey. Skyward Sword is just a

Horrid voice acting.

Whew, this volcano area where you lose your equipment at least changed things up a bit. A nice diversion from the monotony. Hmm, what's this?

Ignore me, I watched Enemy of the State recently and learned a horrible new slur, so your post gave me an inside joke chuckle. I find it inoffensive and funny, but it may be cornfield worthy.

I'm glad somebody caught the joke. Even thought it wasn't very funny to begin with. Thank you.

Square Enix would never do that. The title has the word 'Ends' in it for crying out loud. No way would they make it a franchise.