
We're already halfway there. Many people won't even buy a PC game unless it activates on Steam, which is nothing more than glorified DRM. Even now you can only play games offline if they are up to date with the client. You can't sell or trade your games, and you can no longer download if Valve closes.

Strange, our internet is a basic package for $35/month, shared with about 8 devices, and it streams smoothly for me over wifi. Are you in Canada by any chance?

Would love it if this came to Viera Connect as well. I don't care enough about OnLive to buy a microconsole, but given a free download from the app store, I would definitely consider changing my PC gaming habits to OnLive.

You know what I would rather have? Steam expanding their service to include streaming, and multiple devices :)

I have a stupid attachment to physical gaming products, but I too think services like OnLive are the future of gaming, as much as I hate to admit it. No hardware upgrading, available on multiple platforms, everything on ultra settings, no install woes, instant gratification. I wouldn't carry around more than one

As far as I know, you can't download more than 25mb files over 3g with ATT, which makes game downloading (minis maybe) impossible over 3g. So yes, it would be solely for the car/bus where no wifi is available. It would let you play multiplayer and do internet-y things on the go, so 3g does have an advantage to me.

So... we're all tethering, yes? Joking aside (but not really), these rates seem reasonable, and I'm glad there is no required subscription.

Not cool, 2ch? How ungrateful, after Vishnu went to all this trouble.

That is really sad :( Sorry you feel that way, I played through the story parts just to get to the puzzles. They really are like nothing else, and give you a sense of accomplishment no other puzzle game in recent memory has. The story is great by itself, but yeah if you didn't like the demo it isn't worth slogging

Oh no. I'm currently 90 hours into Terraria. While that doesn't compare to yours, I bought it during the Winter Steam sale.... (ashamed). Worse yet, I also got Dungeon Defenders, but haven't played it yet. Since our tastes seem to be similar, I expect my relationship with the sun to become even more strained.

So... it's like a sequel to Caveman Games?

Never heard of Transformice, I'll try it.

I would highly disagree with this. Team Fortress is an old, very complex shooter with a large skilled player base. If he doesn't like running for 5 seconds, maybe getting one kill, then dying, TF2 isn't going to be any different. Even with skill, that's kind of how all rounds turn out. Although teamwork may be a

It's been a while, but Gurren Lagann blew my mind when I saw it. It's full of tropes and cliched characters and mech nonsense, but for some reason the exponentially increasing scale and magnitude of the story was incredible. If it's unique you want, I haven't seen anything else like it.

Rogue Galaxy, Frozen Synapse, and LoH: TitS. I plan to get to the end, but not finish any of them before receiving something new for Christmas. Just like the past 20 Christmas'. Triple digit backlog blues.

The part where you lose your equipment was the only part where I wasn't completely bored or going through the motions, even though it isn't a new concept.

Other than wall street blather, the only English he knows is the lyrics to 'Walking on Sunshine." Give him a break.

I know the part you're talking about, and that makes sense. You don't actually see the exit to the right when you run in, only that you're burning alive :). Icarus points that out as well, that the old Zelda approach not only doesn't work well in this game, but may be a hindrance. Perhaps the fact that I have less

Thank you. Ghirahim's grab was the only annoying thing for me as well, and most of the game felt like it was just going through the motions. Pun intended. Everything seemed so perfectly laid out that there was never anything that needed to be solved. Maybe that's good game design, but it felt like I was playing

That's what I'm hoping, and it makes sense. The first boss' entire purpose is to make sure you understand that swinging wildly no longer works, but the encounters never really evolved from there. If this game was about developing precision, I'd love for the next game to focus on strategy, which precision assumed as