
What I really like about this game is the way it mitigates puzzle difficulty and frustration.

It's not even the donny darko-esque look that gets me. It's that creepy teeth clicking sound that will haunt my dreams.

This is what rubbed me the wrong way with Final Fantasy XIII. There was a whole lot of great side content to do, but it only (really) opened up after the story was completed. What motivation do I have to do side missions, collect items, level characters, when the world has already been saved? With the final boss

5 Years ago I would have bought Skyrim day 1. The now expected Complete/Ultimate/GOTY editions have really killed all desire to preorder anything for me. Any preorder bonus DLC will be included with the next release as well, and for cheap.

It isn't the openness I dislike about these games, but moreso that the openness is pointless. Traverse empty generic terrain with random enemies and maybe a randomly generated cave or two along the way. I get bored of the freedom after sightseeing for 2 minutes, and wish there was substantial gameplay or story

Before this discussion turns towards how much time we waste with our favorite hobby, I'll leave this here to lighten the mood.

If you find an online pass, I'll summon you for some coop later.

No doubt you're right about that. I'm sure Activision and like have been laying on the pressure for years. It would still be a shame if the positive net effect went to makers of dlc instead of smaller game developers. I know I never would have tried games like fat princess, gundemonium, wizardry etc. without a

I actually don't think this is a good idea. I guess we'll see when actual sales numbers are released in the future for comparison.

Awesome as usual.

Personally, I think they did a fine job considering the annual release schedule. Sure the games as basically the same year to year, but the average game takes what, 4 years to make? Give them at least 2 years to polish the game. It could be perfect, complete with multiplayer betas.

Then as I looked down, the wall beneath me began to crumble, steadily disintegrating any feeling of safety I once had.

I want this painted in a fake painted window on my wall.

Cool, good to know. I stopped checking regularly after the luigi one because I thought you were taking a break. Pretty much all of your comics are funnier than the usual Sunday lineup in my opinion.

Are you officially back now? It's been a while.

Promoting this so others can see it. I never wanted to test dodging over blocking, because I can't take a hit (9 vit). Maybe others will find this easier.

15 I think?

The only tip I wish somebody would have told me is regarding the two demon bow archers in anor lando. Worst part of the game.

There's also Nier, which brought an older protagonist to the table, and blurred the good/evil line. As the story progresses, you start to feel like what you're doing is selfish and destructive, but still want to finish to save your daughter. None of that text tree 'choice' nonsense either. That game is a good