
Does anyone know of a glass video game statue maker? I would pay good money for glass summons, colored or not.

She's so boring looking, all I'm thinking about is the pic above after looking at the magazine cover....

Thanks for the tip. I was wondering if there were any regions that haven't been migrated yet.

This would be much more interesting if it showed the variance in developer releases, not publishers.

Photoshop contest for this picture, please.

Why crave it, when you can play Sin and Punishment 2?

Very off topic, but the article picture is messing with my brain for some reason...

This site focuses mainly on western releases and news. For Japan gaming news, I strongly recommend [] It's in English and Japanese.

I would love nothing more than to read something along the lines of, "we're still actively working on Mirror's Edge 2" from the DICE summit. In fact, go ahead and make that my wish for E3, PAX, TGS, etc.

I'd have to recommend Gravity Runner for the same reasons. Incredible amount of challenging fun for the price. Getting gold on the last 3 levels is as satisfying as finishing Demon's Souls for the first time.

@HighSpeedIndeed: At a dealership, wow. For having so few made, I would expect to see them mostly on display and at shows. That's quite an investment for a dealership, unless the publicity somehow makes up for the cost.

@FellowMusicFan: Isn't that ridiculous? It produced so much heat that the engine originally created a 6 foot exhaust flame before the cooling was added.

I was stuck on a Jetblue flight last night with nothing on TV besides a special on making the Bugatti Veyron. Now, I couldn't care less about cars, but this was intriguing. Completely hand-made, down to the tires. The car gets its power by having two of everything smashed together. Two engines, two transmissions,

Everywhere in Endless Ocean 2.

Not really in the spirit of the article, but I would love for Level 5 to take a break from pumping out soccer and Layton titles, and make a new Jeanne d'Arc masterpiece. It has such great lore and characters.

@PudgiesJockeyGivesTheRideOfYou...: No, no, nooo.....

@Bloodpudding: What level, and what time will you be on? I may come.... help you....

@BDR529: This is probably the only major concern for people (and perhaps the news). I watch zero sports, and hate commercials. I'm perfectly content using nothing but Hulu and Netflix from a console. I don't see how it would be possible, though, for someone who loves hockey. Sure, the Xbox 360 has ESPN, but you