
@Diyomaro: Don't start you career in NYC, if at all possible. Buy a small home for the same price outside of the city and build up equity. I feel horrible for people who have to start their professional lives there. Rent is money you have to throw away every month, instead of an investment. You're right. I don't

@HarvMalbert: A lot of assumptions, but that's possible. Hard to imagine that a company like Sony would cut corners on security to rush the PS3 to market, but dumber things have happened. Attacking the hackers like this is kind of like fighting fire with fire. Geohot certainly wasn't classy with this release, and

@Phantom5800: You're right about that. They aren't the most tactful bunch. Still, keeping these talented guys occupied with something more productive would surely have been a wiser choice than letting them run free on the Internet. If I were Sony/Apple, his past indiscretions (if you choose to call them that)

@blaaps: Yes, yes I would.

Piracy squabble aside...

Irish Cream Espresso!

The Internet needs tone! Sarcasm, sincerity, and lies are so easily discernible with voice. We need some kind of text standard for syllable length and pitch.

I'm kind of hoping a lot of people dump AT&T and switch to Verizon. I haven't had any problems with calls or data, and I'm fine with my contract. It only means more data love for those of us left.

@kratos_hates_everyone: It could make for an amazing game. Heavy Rain-style clue searching, stealthing around, covering your tracks.

The City Elf origins story in Dragon Age: Origins. I've never been so mad at video game characters, even if it was a cheesy setup. In fact, I usually feel nothing when I play RPGs with dialogue trees. This was the exception. I've never wanted to dish out justice so bad.

@Veloc: The correct game poster.

@sandorasbox: Sad, and you know almost every game with a playtime under 20 hours has similar statistics. The inclusion of muliplayer is fine by me, and good for them if it increases sales.

@papertiger3: I don't really care about the multiplayer, I was just using it to interpret whether the focus of the sequel would be on combat (pointlessly, I know). I agree, like Resident Evil 5, I can see the controls for multiplayer being incredibly frustrating.

@kratos_hates_everyone: Agreed, Amnesia was my favorite game of last year. The Clock Tower series also does it for me, as well as Fatal Frame. Good to hear you enjoyed the demo.

Is it wrong to be pessimistic about Dead Space 2? I loved the first one, but certainly not for the combat. Maybe it's presumptuous to say it will be a let down because it's adding multiplayer. Sure, Bioshock 2 was, but then again Brotherhood turned out alright.

@Epifante: Sorry if great minds just think alike, but this is what Recoil posted yesterday

@daveywest: That's the best case for using Mint (and self-control, motivation) I've read so far. Congratulations!

@ctsamurai: That's probably a good call. I have the root pw on my phone changed, and some kind of questionable firewall, and I'm still no where near comfortable enough to use the official banking applications. Apple can't thoroughly dissect every app that comes through the store to see what information gets pulled