
@QualityJeverage: Exactly. I sort my games by genre. All of my previous horror section has now been lumped into action. When the player has any kind of advantage, I lose all sense of fear. In first person, if there is a gun in front of me at all times, I couldn't care less what pops out of the walls. Developers

@XeO3: I would highly recommend it. Just be warned that you'll look at resident evil, silent hill, fear, etc., a lot differently.

I was really looking forward to Dead Space 2 until I played Amnesia. Now I can't imagine playing a horror game with something so beneficial to the player like guns.

@Honoguma: Not a pirate. A Tiger. Maybe a pirated game would have been less terrible.

When the Super Nintendo was released, I wanted it more than anything. Instead I got some crappy PC game called Civilization. I was incredibly sad... until I played it.

@SmilingPolitely: I'll buy one new handheld, and that's the only determining factor. PSP is winning out right now, but I'll get a 3DS instead without blinking if the PSP2 is actually digital only.

@SaanZ: Sounds like you just don't care for hack 'n slash lootfests. That's all Diablo claims to be, and all it tries to be. Repetition is part of the allure, and many people adore it. Adding anything more to the formula would spoil it, in my opinion. You would be better off getting your fix from Neverwinter

He must have died happy, knowing that the technology he developed has barely been surpassed all these years later.

@DemiSouls: Honey, I need to make a call upstairs, could you please log out of the phone?

I never realized what a barrier to entry controls are for gaming until I got a Wii. Controllers have evolved slowly since the NES, but I have been there through every iteration. Each generation of controller is only a slight upgrade from the last, and feels natural after an hour or so of use. Using a Wiimote for

@benihime: Limiting the contest to the most faithful readers is a nice gift, don't you think? Would you prefer it be plastered on Facebook for an instant million entries?

@jovke1994: If you had it installed already via the team-xbmc ppa, you should get the update notification through the system update manager of whatever distro you use. All you should have to do is hit apply.

@Antiterra: Curse you, text! I can never perceive anything correctly on the Internet with the exception of sarcasm, so I just assume sincerity.

@Antiterra: It's true that her outlook might have been different given more exposure to video gaming, but that's not even the problem here. Virtually everything created can be viewed as offensive by someone. Where do you draw the line? Do you ban everything that someone finds offensive? Yes, if it causes them

I recommend that Alfano not play Mafia II. Problem solved, nothing to see here.

@carl-on-duty: Should indeed, and have. He's not very adventurous musically, but For Emma gives off a similar vibe. Not fair to expect anything too diverse from one man anyway.

Now playing

This has given me much peace today, so I thought I'd share. Just don't listen to the lyrics, or you may develop less desirable feelings.

@Izzy: I was surprised to find that Blazblue didn't suffer from that problem online. The first week or so, people played Jin (read: Ryu) until they got their trophies/achievements, but now I almost never encounter the same character twice in a row.

I scrolled through the comments and saw no mention of Panda Cloud AV. I've been running it since windows 7 came out and have had zero problems. Incredibly lightweight, non-intrusive, does it's job. I wonder how it stacks up to MSE2 in terms of security.

@mespme: Spanish only. It's more of a tech demo right now even it did support them. You're better off taking an old-fashioned dictionary or a more robust app.