
Someone in my neighborhood garages a MINT cocaine white Probe GT.  I smile when I drive by their house.

1998 burning CD’s meant searching the web for users, then FTPing the files (3-5 uploads for unlimited downloads, this was what the world was like pre napster) and a 2X burner. It literally took days to burn a CD of pirated music, and that was with a T1 line...

Try finding a vintage cassette deck these days, prices are obscene. I recently saw an Alpine 7273 go for $1,750 (still in OEM packaging, never installed-so the nicest of nice examples), which is more than I paid for the vehicle.

Not likely.  Washingtonians just voted to kill billions of dollars from their transportation all in exchange for $30 car tabs.  We are not a smart people.

[Nissan has entered the chat]


The PNW (Portland and Seattle) just started using salt a few years ago. Prior to that it was ALL sand. The reason? Research shows that the sand is an excellent courier of all the nasty road grime to our rivers, streams, and estuaries.

Can I recommend buying one from outside the Rustbelt? See this example, it is the same price as the ones you’re looking at and lacks (most) of the rust. Surely the shipping costs (or come pick it up, I’ll offer up ground transportation, meals, and lodging, and drive it home) would be cheaper than dealing with those

I’m partial to the first generation Ford Focus (particularly the ZX5 and ZTW). Cheap as chips, and they are the closest thing to an American Civic in terns of reliability. Your idiot brother could probably find 2 for under 5K, so he as a spare when he misplaces one.

Been here since ‘06, I could have been so productive, and I second everything you have to say*. 

I turn most of my own wrenches, but for the EV...yeah that one is dealer only. The other time I hand over the work, for the other daily duty vehicle, is when the repair is 2 weekends for me on my back or 45 minutes for the shop around the corner with his lift.

Watched a co-worker* roll negative equity into new loans 4 times over 6 years before the dealership cut him off.

I have the same questions, but am only versed in Bird Law.

Just curious, but what are the rules here? Do you have to give it back? Finders keepers?


Tacoma with a K?

Ultimately this will become less of an issue as people get used to it

What if a breaker trips because there is moisture in my charging port?

EV owner here.

You talking 2nd gen Econoline?