
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Mozilla Firefox open source? Couldn't Microsoft make a Bing-package Firefox version with or without Mozilla's consent as long as they gave credit to the right people and offered the source as well? There may be other parts of the GPL I'm forgetting, but isn't that the gist of it?

Maybe it's the inherent programmer, windows explorer user, and error-prone typist in me but that enter, backspace, backlash combo would kill me. I know its a gaming keyboard, but I'd rather not have to switch keyboards whenever I want to play a game. I had a keyboard with a similar layout once as my "spare", I

In the US, junk mail is generally delivered with the normal mail. It's illegal for anyone other than an official Postal carrier to place anything other than certified mail in your mail box. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it is a felony to tamper with a mailbox in anyway, as it is considered government property.

You win this round, until I set up an SSID of Twin Cities Dental #07 in an area away from cafes and libraries.

I've never noticed my mail carrier have two piles of mail, except for certain local advertisements. Most of the time, my letters are rubber banded together if there is a lot of mail. Many of the junk mail comes from my address being on a mailing list somewhere that my neighbor is not necessarily on. Also, if it

Exactly. It's almost too easy.

And whose job is it to sort the junk mail from the real mail? In the united states that would be a managerial and public relations nightmare. "You accidentally threw out a letter mistakenly labelled as junk mail" etc... The United States Postal Service is slow enough as it is, I'd rather not wait another two weeks

Here ya go.

True, but not everyone has a public library or cafe within close range of them offering free WiFi.

Someone who wants free wifi? Personally, if i felt like hacking into a network to get free wifi, I really wouldn't care where it came from. Unless of course I knew it was a trick, a hackers network to collect information, or an actual FBI surveillance van

Should have done it the other way around, windows might be able to delete a mac partition, but can't read (or alter) anything on their by default.

I was kind of hoping for venus fly trap / crazy alien technology combos that are like photos with claws/ tentacles sticking out to literally "pull your eyes from their sockets." These are pretty cool too, I guess.

Anyone else think that would be the perfect "Free Prize" included with the cereal?

And if they did, and Steve Jobs had died the next day, they would be the ultimate asshole.

Controversial, not Conroversial

And I bet the generation before you said the same about you, and the one before that about them, etc... It's the circle of "Things were worse when I grew up but we managed" and "Nowadays [insert noun here] aren't as good as they/it used to be"

Can't they really not use this as an indicator anyway? I use my Android phone without tethering using a desktop user agent all the time. I've never looked at what specific user agent it uses when in desktop mode, but I would think most browsers use slightly different ones, so it would be difficult to determine whether

But, probably most of them still pay for it anyway.

You may also want to consider work or school network set-ups before doing this. I had my dns changed for a while, but when I went away to college, the school had a network login page that was only accessible from their dns servers (for obvious reasons). Yes, you could probably set the default dns lower down on your

I hope you mean megabyte. 4 bits would get you half a letter or number (assuming the number was small and the letter wasn't a special character). It wouldn't even get you a single pixel in 8 bit color mode.