
Given a large enough source of energy and enough supplies you could travel quite vast distances in a human lifespan without cryosleep due to time dilation (Orson Scott Card touches on this in some of his novels). Time dilation is a property of relativity that as you approach the speed of light, time (relative to a

I assume the flag is because there’s a “John Smith” who has committed some crime or another and has a warrant out, and if aranel’s real name is “John Smith” with no relation to the wanted criminal, the system would flag him when he tries to enter the US, as it sees “John Smith” and has to have them check which John

I don’t know about newer cars, but when my previous car’s (a ‘95 Subaru legacy) key fob broke, to lock the car I had to hold open the handle, lock the car from the inside, and then close the door, not letting the handle latch back into position until the door was fully closed. It seemed like the unlock on close

I’d be interested to see how the order/pattern of images affects the results. For example, would going Spider-House-Bee give you a different result for the bee image than something like Tree-Boat-Bee, since in addition to the image itself, the brain might react to the relationship between images.

Off topic, but have you ever seen a word and you know it’s spelled correctly, but it just looks like it’s spelled wrong? That happened with the word honorary in the title for me, and now I can’t get it out of my head.

It reminds me in high school of this kid I knew who put a disgusting amount of mayonnaise on his pizza. I was sitting at a nearby table once and saw him putting packet after packet on his pizza until it looked like it was more mayonnaise than pizza.

I was thinking the same thing. I recently moved to Wisconsin from Pennsylvania, and it’s the weirdest thing seeing an alcohol aisle in a walmart, with the alcohol just sitting on shelves in the grocery section.

Mine seemed to extract the relevant info from my resume, but is under my actual salary by almost $50k (that’s after converting to $). I don’t know if that says something about the tool or about me.

It's actually dihydrogen monoxide that you are describing in the pipes. Hydrogen dioxide is very bad and ruins the ozone, but it's usually not put in water pipes. If you want to learn more about the danger of dihydrogen monoxide, you can check out

They must have edited the page to correct it. The original said "That 40% faster for $12 less" which was incorrect as several people have pointed out.

Actually, networks tend to use the SI prefixes, if I remember correctly.

Yes, but 50 to 100 is a 100% INCREASE in speed, which is how it's stated in the article. 100mbit is 100% FASTER than 50mbit.

Actually, It would technically be 1900%, since you wouldn't count the first 50. (100mbit is 100% faster, 200mbit is 300%, etc...)

That's interesting, I thought they had mostly fixed that problem. My S4, which I've had for over a year and a half, has a tiny amount of burn-in on the notification bar. However, it's only barely noticeable when looking at a completely white screen on the lowest brightness setting, in landscape or full screen, in a

Anyone know if this also affects Zsh (or any of the other Linux shells). Also, does this just rely on Bash being installed, or does it need to be the primary shell?

For the bag of holding, as part of their sale, you can also get a free t-shirt for thinkgeeks anniversary. More details here: but basically add the anniversary shirt and other items totaling $19.99 or more (such as the bag of holding), and use the code epic15 and they take off

Also, I realize I could have completely circumvented all that by clicking expand and then right-click save-as, since I checked and I'm pretty sure it's the same image.

Here you go. I just used chrome's search google for this image option in the right-click menu and it brought me to a google image search. I then pressed find all sizes, and it found one with a large resolution. When clicking view image, it brought me to the address in the link below, which is on the kinja server.

Wow, reading fail. I completely misread the question multiple times. Now I know why I shouldn't reply to articles I read shortly after waking up.

The only one I had an issue with was number 2, and that was because of the phrasing. When they say is the money more than it is today, they don't specify whether they mean the value of the money, or the amount of the money. If the money in the account is $101 dollars but interest is 2%, there is more "money"