
Official CDC advice folks, put your condoms on NOW!

Its only funny because Drive was taken.

My school district in particular has 2 high schools (I live in the Poconos region of PA). But several intermediate and elementary schools. There are also other school districts around here split into two as well due to the rise in people moving from places like New Jersey, New York, etc., I guess it just matters where

Wait - it shattered in the first nitrogen test.


Hey Thorin, I'm the Chrome omnibox owner. Here are a few other tips you didn't list:

Over-ear or bust.

Zaphod's attention however was elsewhere. His attention was riveted on the ship standing next to Hotblack Desiato's limo. His mouths hung open.

I like to think of my glasses hugging my face, so clearly they are arms, perhaps mwandaw likes to think of glasses sitting spread eagle across the face. I am not going to judge someone for their glasses related imagination.

The lead photo really shows the difference in resolution well. Look at the left side image, the low resolution of the satellite image makes the search box to blurry to really use.

Reduce the population by shipping all the telephone sanitizers, account executives, and marketing analysts to another planet.

"Soon yours might too" good! About time my Soviet doctor started doing something.

If you favor EV's over regular cars, calling it a congestion tax is total bullshit. They both take up the same amount of space. Call it a pollution tax, or a combustion tax.

Should of. Should've.

I'd like to mention Clover 3 for the fact having tabs is awesome and that you can use chrome skins with it.

Lifehacker has more than 366 readers, right? Then, by the pigeonhole principle (for those unfamiliar, if you have n pigeons and n+1 holes, there must be at least one pigeon with more than one hole in it...), it's *somebody*'s birthday.