
For number 8, couldn't you just add a directory hard link (junction) in the old location to catch any programs that don't check the registry? Actually, couldn't you do this in the first place, rather than mess with the registry?

To both of you. Yes, technically Rhombi are 2d but I was just working off of what the author wrote. Would it help to say "A cube is a type of parallelepiped which is like a rhombus in 3d except the sides don't have to be the same size so it's like a 3d parallelogram instead"? A little bit of a mouthful since there is

Technically, BuckyCubes are BuckyRhombuses (BuckyRhombi is an alternate spelling according to Wikipedia) Since Cubes are Rhombuses (Rhombi).

Would this run on zombies? Solves two problems.

I got a "Submit error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

Also from (Obscure usage but still technically correct).

Originally when I saw CMOS I was thinking BIOS and wasn't sure what that had to do with Meteors. Then I remember the term and what it stands for isn't restricted to BIOS and it all made sense.

Of course, that only holds for those that don't have their own well. (Urban/Suburban areas)

Wouldn't next November be 2011 because that's the "next" November. Then again I may be arguing semantics and they may very well mean 2012. Wait, Wikipedia says 2012 so that must be it. Darn, Wikipedia proved me wrong again.

I apologize then. Its strange that they make no mention of this on their site and that there is very little information about the ubuntu version.

I'm not sure if you're joking but I'll do it anyway. What emergency gps indicator? My GPS symbol only shows up when I turn GPS on and I'm using it. HTC Inspire 4G on AT&T.

Great except moovida is for windows (except for moovida pro which is 40 Euros [about 57 dollars]) Since this is the linux lifehacker pack it doesn't really offer an alternative to XBMC.

The second rule of computers is the second rule of computers. Obvious answers are obvious.

The first rule of computers is the first rule of computers.

Holy crap, when he was doing the electric razor I could almost feel it on my scalp. That was amazing!

Well, that's probably because if you managed to get your Hz monitor to display at MHz it would be likely to explode, taking your eyes and optical nerve with it.

I understand that, but if you don't even have a heatsink to dissipate some of the heat it likely won't get a chance to shutdown before burning out.

Third time's the charm

I'll try again.

Why won't it let me post a picture? :(